
A repo I make for some of my friends who requested a beginner friendly repo that has examples; links and different methods to create; compile and execute shellcode in various languages.

MIT LicenseMIT

Reverse Engineering

related: https://github.com/loneicewolf/CheatEngine-Automation

if you want a laugh; read THE WHOLE SECURITY.MD file. (the whole, very important)

⚠️ FIRST OFF; there will be grammar errors! will correct those later.

⚠️ SECOND OFF; this is not complete yet; it's far from even 40% / 100%. will make this much cleaner once done; right now I am adding the main contents.

check the basic.md file for the "most" current progress. includes a basic hello world tutorial in ASM and how I google for errors.

A repo I make for some of my friends who requested a beginner friendly repo that has examples; links and different methods to create; compile and execute shellcode in various languages.

Topics covered

1 A Brief Introduction to Assembly

0 registers

1 operations

2 basic combinations of 0 and 2

3 The Big and Little Endian

4 some (light) compilation and de-compilation of all 0 to 3.

2 fun example: kernel mode execution

1 Making a basic reverse shell kernel module

2 Making the same Module but adding Shellcode execution to it

3 merging and loading it; first test

4 Houston we have a problem; how to unload and auto start?

References; and further reading