
My solution collection of nowcoder

Primary LanguageC++Do What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Nowcoder Collection

language license leetcode

My solution collection of nowcoder.

Coding Interviews (剑指 Offer)

# Task Language
1 search in sorted 2d arrays cpp
2 replace space javascript
3 print list from tail to head cpp
4 reconstruct binary tree cpp
5 impl queue with two stack cpp
6 min number in rotate array cpp
7 fiboncci cpp
8 jump floor cpp
9 jump floor ii cpp
10 rectangle cover cpp
11 number of ones cpp
12 power of int cpp
13 reorder array with odd even cpp
14 find kth to tail cpp
15 reverse list cpp
16 merge two ordered lists cpp
17 has sub structure javascript
18 mirror of binary tree javascript
19 print matrix javascript
20 min with two stack javascript
21 is pop order javascript
22 layer traversal binary tree cpp
23 verify squence of bst cpp
24 find path with expect sum cpp
25 clone lists with random pointer cpp
26 convert bst to list cpp
27 string permutation cpp
28 more than half num cpp
29 get least numbers cpp
30 find greatest sum of subarray cpp
31 number of 1 between 1 and n cpp
32 print min number cpp
33 ugly number cpp
34 first not repeating char cpp
35 inverse pairs of data cpp
36 find first common node cpp
37 get number of k cpp
38 tree depth cpp
39 is balanced tree cpp
40 nums appear once cpp
41 find continuous sequence cpp
42 find numbers with sum cpp
43 left rotate string cpp
44 reverse sentence javascript
45 is coutinuous pk javascript
46 last remaining solution cpp
47 calc 1 plus to n cpp
48 add without plus cpp
49 str to int cpp
50 duplicate nums in array cpp
51 array multiply cpp
52 regex match cpp
53 is numeric cpp
54 insert first appearing once cpp
55 entry node of loop cpp
56 delete duplication in list cpp
57 binary tree next node cpp
58 is symmetrical cpp
59 z print binary tree cpp
60 print binary tree to multiply line cpp
61 serialize binary tree cpp
62 kth node of bst cpp
63 mid num in data stream cpp
64 max num in sliding window cpp
65 has path in matrix cpp
66 moving threshold of robot cpp
67 cut rope cpp

JS Assessment (JS 能力评测经典题)

# Task Language
1 find elem index javascript
2 sum of array javascript
3 remove from array javascript
4 remove from array inplace javascript
5 array append javascript
6 array truncate javascript
7 array prepend javascript
8 array curtail javascript
9 array concat javascript
10 array insert javascript
11 array count javascript
12 array duplicates javascript
13 array square javascript
14 array find occurences javascript
15 avoid globals javascript
16 right function defination javascript
17 right parse int javascript
18 identity javascript
19 count timer javascript
20 fizz buzz javascript
21 args as array javascript
22 fn context javascript
23 function function javascript
24 make closures javascript
25 fn partial javascript
26 use arguments javascript
27 fn call it javascript
28 partial use arguments javascript
29 curry it javascript
30 logical or javascript
31 logical and javascript
32 create module javascript
33 value at bit javascript
34 base10 javascript
35 convert to binary javascript
36 multiply javascript
37 alter context javascript
38 alter objects javascript
39 property iterate javascript
40 contains number javascript
41 contains repeating letter javascript
42 ends with vowel javascript
43 capture three numbers javascript
44 matches pattern javascript
45 is usd javascript



You just DO W T F YOU WANT TO.