video stream hardware decoding and color space conversion by ffmpeg and cuda.
This project demonstrate how to decode video stream and convert color space by using ffmpeg and GPU.
When hardware decoding video stream, the project use ffmpeg(version: 3.3) and h264_cuvid
codec(based on NVIDA GPU).
When converting NV12 to BGR24 color space, the project use CUDA(version: 8.0) api where readers can find source conversion codes.
As this is a part of Video Monitor
project focus on decoding RTSP video stream to OpenCV cv::gpu::GpuMat frame, high
performance is a must. By using multiple GPUs, we can reduce stress of CPUs and most important, we can increase the
processing rate.
- ffmpeg 3.3
- cuda 8.0
- opencv 2.4.13
export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/path/to/opencv/dir
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/ffmpeg/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH