
Improving generalization by controlling label-noise information in neural network weights.

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Improving generalization by controlling label-noise information in neural network weights

The author implementation of LIMIT method described in the paper "Improving generalization by controlling label-noise information in neural network weights" by Hrayr Harutyunyan, Kyle Reing, Greg Ver Steeg, and Aram Galstyan. To cite the paper please use the following BibTeX:

  title={Improving Generalization by Controlling Label-Noise Information in Neural Network Weights},
  author={Harutyunyan, Hrayr and Reing, Kyle and Steeg, Greg Ver and Galstyan, Aram},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.07933},


  • Basic data science libraries: numpy, scipy, tqdm, matplotlib, seaborn, pandas, scikit-learn.
  • We use Pytorch 1.4.0, but higher versions may work too.
  • Additionally, only for extracting data from tensorboard tensorflow >2.0 is need.

Using the code

The whole code is writen as a package. All scripts should be initiated from the root directory. An example command would be:

python -um scripts.train_classifier -d cuda -c configs/4layer-cnn-mnist.json --log_dir logs/mnist

To monitor the training we run tensorboard:

tensorboard --logdir=/path/to/the/log/directory

The code at the time of ICML 2020 submission code be found here. The current version of the code should also produce the results of the paper. An updated and better commented code is available in branch named nnlib. Please use this code if you need to use LIMIT for new experiments, rather than replicating the paper results.

The main method of the paper called LIMIT is coded in methods/predict.py -- the PredictGradOutput class. The soft regularization approach described in the paper corresponds to the class PenalizeLastLayerFixedForm of methods/penalize.py. The training scripts are generated using the scripts/generate_commands.py script.