Senior data scientist with lots of experience in predictive modeling, R, SAS, Python, SQL, Shiny, Spark
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
longhowlam's Followers
- adhendrikx1Optic
- alexcombessie@Giskard-AI
- aluxhAutodesk
- andreamason
- anwar1004
- bobthebuidlr
- DylanGaramaniUppsala University
- elqnetoFlorianĂłpolis
- frankfanslcFatpipe Networks
- gqpjBerlin, Germany
- hangtime79
- hermansulistiyo
- jimbrig@noclocks
- johantenhouten
- jrothschild33Fudan University
- jvstijn2day ICT
- kmezhoud@cnstn
- mathieuRabeParis
- meeslindhout
- minesh1291Kaggle
- nikhilrajdeepNew Delhi, India
- OrcanIntellOrcan Intelligence
- Paul-PocoGrand Rapids, MI
- Real-ZeminJiang
- robbertbos@MinBZK
- shayan-taheriGannon University
- shiwaniersThe Netherlands
- SpaRroW410AIIMS Jodhpur
- stephanbosmanC1
- Svenwouw
- Thabita69
- TheDon96Aurai
- uramith
- VVSKushwanthReddy
- vvvict26
- YTLogosHunan Agricultural University, China