
you can send QQ message by QQSender;it is based SamrtQQ

Primary LanguageJava


you can send Q message by QQSender.

when you send message,you can choose Q-group or you Q-friends


1.build by source

mvn clean package

2.set your QQ number and password in qqserver.properties

# log4j config file location
log4j = log4j.properties

# qq number
qq = 2257510634

# password
password = xxxxxx

# thrift PORT
port = 7176

3.start QQ Server

java -jar QQSender.jar

4.send message by shell sendQQ.sh

# $1 is host ip
# $2 is port
# $3 is type 1 is mean send to friend and 2 is mean group 
# $4 is friend name or group name
# $5 is send message