
Source code for Boardwalk, a Minecraft Java Edition launcher for Android.

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Boardwalk: a Minecraft Java Edition launcher for Android

This is the source code for Boardwalk, a Minecraft Java Edition launcher for Android.


This branch contains the source for Boardwalk 1.2 (the last public released version).

Additional components


  • Use Gradle to build,so it can be imported by AndroidStudio.
  • Reconstructing the project structure, most of them can be compiled directly and completely.
  • Most of JNI compilations are linked through Gradle script.

Additional components

Part of the components used by the project:


Download code

  • Shell: git clone [The Git URL]

Configuration environment

  • Download and Install AndroidStudio
  • Android SDK Version: API 27,API 19
  • SDK build-tools: 28.0.3
  • Android SDK platforms
  • Android NDK


  • Import this project.And if everything works, you should be able to compile.

Known Issues

  • Can't build lwjgl in AndroidStudio now because it uses Ant build system.

In this branch,Lwjgl is added as JAR library and Lwjgl jni is added as JniLibs to avoid compiling problems.

  • The theme of the application is incorrect.
  • Didn't test if it ran on Android 7.0 or above.


This branch is in its infancy and has not yet fully implemented the correct compilation of Boardwalk. These functions will be improved and revised in the future.

(p.s. as a high school student in china,it is hard to hava extra time to work on this ;) )