Machine leARning TutoriAl

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Machine leARning TutoriAl

  • Instructor: Margaux Boxho
  • Co-authors: Noémie Vlaminck, Lionel Salesses, Caroline Sainvitu, and Thibaut Van Hoof
  • When: Thursday 09/03/2023 from 9h to 12h and Friday 10/03/2023 from 9h to 12h


Before attempting the ML tutorial, we encourage you to install PyTorch and jupyter-notebook.

You have two main ways to perform the installation:

  • Anaconda base installation
  • Pip base installation.

Anaconda base installation

For this installation process, you need to have the Anaconda python package manager installed on your laptop. It will be required to create a virtual environment for running the tutorial. You can download Anaconda from this link. Note that Anaconda comes with over 150 data science packages. Hence, if you do not have the time and disk space (a few minutes and 3GB), you can instead install Miniconda from this link. Once you have Anaconda or Miniconda on your computer, you first have to install the virtual environment using the command:

conda env create -f MARTA_ENV.yml

The file MARTA_ENV.yml is given in the repository source above. For more information about Anaconda environments, you can read this. Once all the packages defined in MARTA_ENV.yml (note that jupyter-notebook is already included) have been installed, you can activate the environment with,

conda activate marta

Pip base installation

In this approach, you can skip the installation of Anaconda and directly install the jupyter-notebook and PyTorch using pip (or pip3). For the installation of jupyter-notebook, you can have a look at this. For the installation of PyTorch, you can follow the instruction here. Select Stable (1.13.1), your OS, Pip package, Python language, and CPU platform. We will not train your network on GPUs for the moment. You will also need to download matplotlib (see here) to view the graphs and figures in the tutorial and sklearn (see here) to load the moon database in the practice section.

Quick installation check

To verify if all the required packages are installed correctly on your laptop, you may run the following command in a terminal:

  • if you install through Anaconda or Miniconda, you activate your environment and launch the python script with:
conda activate marta
python3 check_packages.py
  • if you install on your own with pip (or pip3), you can launch directly the python script as:
python3 check_packages.py

Launching the jupyter-notebook

Now that all required packages installed, you can launch the jupyter-notebook as,

jupyter-notebook PyTorch_Tutorial1.ipynb

The file PyTorch_Tutorial1.ipynb is given in the repository source above.


The tutorial is composed of six sections.

  • The first section is dedicated to the Pytorch data structures. As in the case of python which uses numpy.ndarray, PyTorch has torch.tensor, which is a multi-dimensional matrix containing elements of a single data type. Through this section, we will see how to construct a tensor and how to perform operations on them.
  • The second section is focus on torch.autograd which is the automatic differentiation package. It is an essential package for our model optimization (see Autograd - PyTorch Beginner 03, if needed).
  • The third section is devoted to the construction of a neural network through the definition of torch.nn.Module. What is great with PyTorch is that you can construct your network as LEGO blocks and it makes PyTorch very flexible.
  • A neural network is nothing without its database. Hence, the fourth section is concerned with the definition of database (i.e., training, validation, and testing ones). We will see how to construct the database and how to split it.
  • The fifth section will discuss the optimization of a neural network (i.e., how to fit the parameters of the network based on the training data and the proper definition of a loss function)
  • The sixth section ... it's your turn.


The main objective of this tutorial is not just to be able to construct a neural network and train it. The idea behind this is to have an engineering approach. Assuming that you face a real-world problem in your job. You will first try to identify the parameters of your problem as usual. Then, you may ask yourself if the use of a neural network to model your problem is a good idea. Do I have enough data? Is my data of good quality? What is the nature of my data (e.g., an image, a time signal, text, Excel table, arrays, graphs, ...) ? Once these questions are answered, you can pick the corresponding neural networks (e.g., images may work with CNN, time signals may work with RNN, text may work with transformers, arrays may work with a simple MLP, graphs may work with graph neural network, and so on and so forth). Afterward, you will construct your database and train your selected network. Finally, you will test your network on unseen data and put it in production. In the end, a neural network is nothing else than a model. Roughly speaking, a model is a mathematical tool that approximates a real-world behavior. So do not see the network as a complicated beast, just see it as a black-box model having its pros and cons.


For a first introduction to deep learning, we recommend you the YouTube channel 3Blue1Brown. The authors have made four videos explaining the concept of deep neural networks and how to train them:

For a deeper introduction to a wide variety of neural networks (e.g., convolutional neural networks, transformers, encoder-decoders, graph neural networks, auto-encoders, ...), we recommend you the course INFO8010 - Deep Learning given at ULiege. Professor Gilles Louppe has made a very nice GitHub where he links to its lectures and YouTube videos.

If you want a good book about Deep Learning, we recommend Dive into Deep Learning by Aston Zhang, Zachary C. Lipton, Mu Li, and Alexander J. Smola, available in pdf format here.

Complementary information

This tutorial is "inspired" by homework given in the course INFO8010 of ULiege in 2020. So we encourage you to have a look at this repository if you want more information.