This repository contains a reference implementation of the algorithms for the paper:
Longlong Lin, Pingpeng Yuan, Rong-Hua Li, Jifei Wang, Ling Liu, Hai jin. Mining Stable Quasi-Cliques on Temporal Networks. IEEE Transactions on Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems
Codes run on C++11 or later. When we run codes on linux, -O2 is recommended to optimizate compilation.
The input file should be started with V and E
V: upper limit of node id or higher
E: the number of edges
For each event, there are 3 parameters: vertex1, vertex2, time
vertex1, vertex2: the vertices of the changing edge
time: the time when the event happens
the time of any (vertex1,vertex2) must be sorted in ascending order
There are two output files
TGRA.txt : store the spent time of TGRA algorithm
res.(dataset) : dataset refers to dataset name, stroe the spent time of B&B algorithm
No matter how many times BB.cpp is excuted, we can get only one TGRA.txt file. That means TGRA.txt stores all TGRA algorithm result.
res.(dataset) is different, results of different parameters of one dataset share one dataset. That means one dataset outputs one res.(dataset) file.
create an excutable application by compiling "BB.cpp", for example:
g++ -o test BB.cpp
run the excutable application with 5 parameters, which are input file name, gamma, mode, rho, theta, for example:
./test enron 0.8 4 0.6 3
input file name: the name of the file describing the tempral graph
mode: five pruning algorithms