
STM32F4 Discovery Board Examples

Primary LanguageC

Build and Test Environment based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS for the STM32F4-Discovery board.

1. File Organization

2. How to Setup the Environment

2.1 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Users

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS users install the environment directly on host OS. :-)

cd ~
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/istarc/stm32.git
cd ~/stm32
git submodule update --init

Linux, Windows or Mac users should install the environment indirectly:

3. Usage

3.1 Build Existing Projects

cd ~/stm32/
make clean
make -j4

3.2 Deploy an Existing Project

cd ~/stm32/examples/Template.mbed
make clean
make -j4
sudo make deploy

3.3 Test Existing Projects using Buildbot:

firefox http://localhost:8010
Login U: admin P: admin (Upper right corner)
Click: Waterfall -> test-build -> [Use default options] -> Force Build
Check: Waterfall -> F5 to Refresh

4. More Info