
I purchased a Raspberry Pi Pico clone off of AliExpress, the Waveshare RP2040 Zero, because of its small form size and fairly cheap price. I plugged it into my Chromebook, with Crostini installed, while holding down the BOOT button. I downloaded the most recent Raspberry Pi PICO micropython firmware (rp2-pico-20230224-unstable-v1.19.1-896-g2e4dda3c2.uf2) and copied it to the device. I went to my command line and issued ls -l /dev/ttyACM* command to make sure that it showed up. It was all good. I opened up my Thonny IDE and nice, all was good. No files are on the device. I grab the default Blinky.py file from the Raspberry Pi PICO repository and I find that the LED, if it is there, is not standard to the PICO.

So, all of that being as it is, I found datasheets from the Waveshare website. I found that this device comes with a WS2812 RGB color LED array. Cool! So I have seen something like this before and I really never did dig too much into it. But to have it on such a small form factor RP2040 device.

So, I looked around and I found a reference on Mondogeo's GitHub Page. Simple yet nice. I made my blinky.py work. So, I publish my stuff here if it be of help to anyone else.

This video shows my Waveshare RP2040 Zero connected to a USB-C dongle running from my laptop and running through the blinky.py routine.
