
:books: A collection of Deep Learning based Image Colorization and Video Colorization papers.



A collection of Deep Learning based Image Colorization papers and corresponding source code/demo program, including Automatic and User Guided (i.e. with User Interaction) colorization, as well as video colorization.

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1. Automatic Image Colorization

Paper Source Code/Project Link
Learning Large-Scale Automatic Image Colorization ICCV 2015 [project] [code]
Deep Colorization ICCV 2015
Learning Representations for Automatic Colorization ECCV 2016 [project] [code]
Colorful Image Colorization ECCV 2016 [project] [code]
Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification SIGGRAPH 2016 [project] [code]
Unsupervised Diverse Colorization via Generative Adversarial Networks ECML-PKDD 2017 [code]
Learning Diverse Image Colorization CVPR 2017 [code]
Structural Consistency and Controllability for Diverse Colorization ECCV 2018
Coloring With Limited Data: Few-Shot Colorization via Memory Augmented Networks CVPR 2019 [project]

[code (PyTorch)]
ChromaGAN: Adversarial Picture Colorization with Semantic Class Distribution WACV 2020 [code]
Instance-aware Image Colorization CVPR 2020 [code] [project]
Pixelated Semantic Colorization IJCV 2020

2. User Guided Image Colorization

2.1 Based on color strokes

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Manga Manga colorization SIGGRAPH 2006 [Project Home]
Unofficial: [code]
Line art / Sketch / Manga LazyBrush: Flexible Painting Tool for Hand-drawn Cartoons Eurographics 2009 [Project Home & Software]

[code1 (Matlab)]
[code2 (C#)]
Line art / Sketch Outline Colorization through Tandem Adversarial Networks 1704.08834 [code]
Line art / Sketch Auto-painter: Cartoon Image Generation from Sketch by Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks 1705.01908 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Real-Time User-Guided Image Colorization with Learned Deep Priors SIGGRAPH 2017 [project] [code1] [code2]
Sketch Scribbler: Controlling Deep Image Synthesis with Sketch and Color CVPR 2017
Line art User-Guided Deep Anime Line Art Colorization with Conditional Adversarial Networks ACM MM 2018 [code]
Line art Style2paints V3 : Two-stage Sketch Colorization SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 [Project]
[Paper's code(V3)]
[Portable software(V4.5)]

[code1] [code2]
Natural Gray-Scale Interactive Deep Colorization Using Simultaneous Global and Local Inputs (also palette based) ICASSP 2019
Line art PaintsChainer (Petalica Paint) Online Demo (by Preferred Networks, Inc.) [V3 Demo] [V1 code]

2.2 Based on reference color image

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Line art Style2paints V1 : Style Transfer for Anime Sketches with Enhanced Residual U-net and Auxiliary Classifier GAN ACPR 2017 [Code]

Manga Comicolorization: Semi-Automatic Manga Colorization (also palette based) SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 [code]
Sketch TextureGAN: Controlling Deep Image Synthesis with Texture Patches CVPR 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Deep Exemplar-based Colorization SIGGRAPH 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Example-Based Colourization Via Dense Encoding Pyramids (also palette based) Pacific Graphics 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale A Superpixel-based Variational Model for Image Colorization TVCG 2019
Natural Gray-Scale Automatic Example-based Image Colourisation using Location-Aware Cross-Scale Matching TIP 2019
Line art / Sketch Adversarial Colorization Of Icons Based On Structure And Color Conditions ACM MM 2019 [Code]
Line art / Sketch Reference-Based Sketch Image Colorization using Augmented-Self Reference and Dense Semantic Correspondence CVPR 2020 Unofficial: [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Stylization-Based Architecture for Fast Deep Exemplar Colorization CVPR 2020 [code]
Manga Manga Filling Style Conversion with Screentone Variational Autoencoder (also palette based) SIGGRAPH Asia 2020 [project]
Line art / Sketch Active Colorization for Cartoon Line Drawings TVCG 2020

2.3 Based on color palette

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Natural Image Palette-based Photo Recoloring SIGGRAPH 2015 [project]
Manga Comicolorization: Semi-Automatic Manga Colorization (also reference based) SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-based Palette Generation (also text based) ECCV 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Example-Based Colourization Via Dense Encoding Pyramids (also reference based) Pacific Graphics 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Interactive Deep Colorization Using Simultaneous Global and Local Inputs (also strokes based) ICASSP 2019

2.4 Based on language or text

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Natural Gray-Scale / Sketch Language-Based Image Editing with Recurrent Attentive Models CVPR 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Coloring with Words: Guiding Image Colorization Through Text-based Palette Generation (also palette based) ECCV 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Learning to Color from Language NAACL 2018 [code]
Line art Tag2Pix: Line Art Colorization Using Text Tag With SECat and Changing Loss ICCV 2019 [code] [code2 (GUI)]
Scene Sketch Language-based Colorization of Scene Sketches SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 [code] [project]

3. Video Colorization

3.1 Automatically

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Natural Gray-Scale Fully Automatic Video Colorization with Self-Regularization and Diversity CVPR 2019 [code]

3.2 Based on reference

Image Type Paper Source Code/Project Link
Natural Gray-Scale Switchable Temporal Propagation Network ECCV 2018
Natural Gray-Scale Tracking Emerges by Colorizing Videos ECCV 2018 [code]
Natural Gray-Scale Deep Exemplar-based Video Colorization CVPR 2019
Natural Gray-Scale DeepRemaster: Temporal Source-Reference Attention Networks for Comprehensive Video Enhancement SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 [code] [project]
Line art Deep Line Art Video Colorization with a Few References 2003.10685