
Primary LanguageJava



Ziyuan (namely after Confucius's smartest student) is designed to be a self-contained package for analyzing Java programs.



Ziyuan is free and open source for acedemic research.


Set up

  1. Check out source code from Github: https://github.com/sunjun-group/Ziyuan.

    • Project folder includes 2 main sub folders, /app (store code), and /etc (store project settings, libs, ..etc).
  2. Update Maven settings:

    • goto /etc/maven, copy settings.xml --> local-settings.xml
    • open local-settings.xml:
      • modify this line and set it to your local maven repository folder [upon your choice].
  3. Make sure Ziyuan java dependencies will be available in local repository:

    • For the setting in maven pom.xml of tzuyu.parent, some special dependency are deployed onto nexus server which url is declared in settings.xml (or your local-settings.xml), and will be downloaded automatically during build process.
    • Check if the nexus server is available or not: Open the url defined in your local-settings.xml to your web browser, if it renders the nexus page then the server is available.
    • If server is available, you can jump to step 5.
    • If not available,
      • open local-settings.xml, comment this line:
      • Go to step 4.
  4. Install jars:

    • Download maven (binary package) at https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi
    • Unzip maven to folder [mvn folder]
    • copy and override /etc/maven/local-settings.xml --> [mvn folder]/conf/settings.xml
    • Go to /etc.
    • For Window:
      • copy win-setenv-example.bat --> setenv.bat
      • modify setenv.bat, set absolute path to the folders on your local machine.
      • run win-mvn-install-libs.bat.
    • For Linux:
      • copy linux-runall-example.sh --> linux-runall.sh
      • modify linux-runall.sh, set absolute path to the folders on your local machine.
      • run linux-runall.sh
  5. Set up Eclipse, and import project:

    • Open Eclipse.
    • Make sure that m2e plugin (maven to eclipse plugin) is installed.
      • Go to Help/About Eclipse/Installation Details. If it was installed, you must see "m2e-Maven Integration For Eclipse" on the list.
      • To install m2e plugin:
        Go to Help/Install New Software, parse "http://download.eclipse.org/technology/m2e/releases" to text field "Work with".
        In displayed table, select "Maven Integration For Eclipse", click "Next" --> ... --> "Finish"
    • Update maven settings:
      • Go to Window/Preferences/Maven/User Settings
      • Browse User Settings to /etc/maven/local-settings.xml -> apply, ok
    • All necessary settings (.classpath, .project) are ready for eclipse.
      • Click on File/Import...
      • Select General/Existing Projects into workspace
      • Browse to Ziyuan project folder, select these modules:[sav.commons, slicer.wala, slicer.javaslicer, codecoverage.jacoco, cfgcoverage.jacoco, svmlib, faultLocalization, mutation, gentest, icsetlv, tzuyu.core, tzuyu, assertion, invariant.templates], then click "finish".
      • Wait until the building proccess finishes (this may take a while).
  6. Configuration for ilpsolver: Following the instruction in /etc/libs/javailp/javailp-native/readme.txt.

  7. Run the application:

    • in Eclipse, go to Run/Run Configurations, under Maven Build, there are many maven build configuration for project, run flowing launchs: sav build then, parent build skip test.
    • run tzuyu.core.main.TzuyuCoreDemoTest.testStudentEvaluate2()
    • if everything is setup properly, we should get learning result in the console view.


lylypp6987@gmail.com sunjun@sutd.edu.sg