Unity3D MMO Demo And C# Server Framework

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

English: please use your browser to translate to english

1. 登录创建保存流程

2. 缓存服

3. 聊天服

4. 道具和任务(服务端)

5. 账号服

1. 存储服务器, 账号和角色数据

2. 数据保存和代码重载

  • 利用Http请求实现数据保存
[HttpHandler(SceneType.Account, "/save")]
public class HttpSaveDataRequestHandler: IHttpHandler
    public async ETTask Handle(Scene scene, HttpListenerContext context)
        var set = new HashSet<string>() { "Cache", "Chat", "Map", "Rank" };
        foreach (StartSceneConfig config in StartSceneConfigCategory.Instance.GetAll().Values)
            if (set.Contains(config.Name))
                IResponse resp = null;
                    resp = await scene.GetComponent<MessageSender>().Call(config.ActorId, W2Other_SaveDataRequest.Create());
                catch (Exception)
                    HttpHelper.Response(context, $"保存数据错误: {resp.Error}, {config.Name} - {config.Id}");

        HttpHelper.Response(context, "Success");
        await ETTask.CompletedTask;

3. 数据查询

  • 利用Http请求实现数据查询
[HttpHandler(SceneType.Account, "/query_info")]
    public class HttpQueryInfoHandler: IHttpHandler
        public async ETTask Handle(Scene scene, HttpListenerContext context)
            string sceneName = context.Request.QueryString["scene"];
            if (sceneName.IsNullOrEmpty())
                HttpHelper.Response(context, "scene type is null");

            string componentName = context.Request.QueryString["component"];
            if (componentName.IsNullOrEmpty())
                HttpHelper.Response(context, "component name is null");

            var actorId = StartSceneConfigCategory.Instance.GetBySceneName(scene.Zone(), sceneName).ActorId;
            var rep = await scene.GetComponent<MessageSender>().Call(actorId, new ConmponentQueryRequest() { ComponentName = componentName });
            if (rep == null)
                HttpHelper.Response(context, "component not found");

            byte[] data = (rep as ComponentQueryResponse).Entity;
            var entity = MongoHelper.Deserialize<Entity>(data);
            string field = context.Request.QueryString["field"];
            if (!field.IsNullOrEmpty())
                var f = entity.GetType().GetField(field,
                    BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetProperty | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
                if (f == null)
                    HttpHelper.Response(context, "field not found");

                HttpHelper.Response(context, f.GetValue(entity));

            HttpHelper.Response(context, entity);

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  • ET 框架 强大的基于C#的双端框架
  • xasset 致力于为 Unity 项目提供了一套 精简稳健 的资源管理环境
  • ET UI框架 字母哥实现的UI框架,ET风格,各种事件分发