A JavaScript schema validation package that supports direct validation of MongoDB update modifier objects
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#501 opened by mariusrak - 2
Extend with options
#488 opened by sylido - 3
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Auto clean null values
#499 opened by ToyboxZach - 2
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Doc validators not copied after pick or omit
#491 opened by mariusrak - 2
multiple validation errors with same key/name are not shown & some notes on the docs
#456 opened by niklasdahlheimer - 1
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Replacing clone package
#415 opened by mariusrak - 3
Schema validates empty array
#437 opened by bolaum - 4
Question: How can I validate field for fixed value?
#482 opened by klaucode - 2
AutoValue using async functions
#484 opened by bratelefant - 2
regEx doesnt run on type: Number
#458 opened by tomtom87 - 2
Cycling dependency after install
#459 opened by floustao - 3
Type SimpleSchema changed optional behavior
#483 opened by paulincai - 4
Changelog for 3.x
#468 opened by jankapunkt - 2
Won't build with Webpack 5
#455 opened by eric-burel - 7
Improper matching of Node and NPM dependencies
#473 opened by paulincai - 3
Tracker is no longer implemented in 3.0.1
#469 opened by thumptech - 13
Optional flag not working for sub-schemas
#475 opened by vpalos - 3
Regression: "Keys" option not respected, upon performing validation for named validation context
#477 opened by KrisjanisStrods - 2
validator({ clean: true }) throws warning
#476 opened by jtarvainen - 2
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Simpl schema will accept everything as valid when "removeEmptyStrings" field is used inside clean method
#481 opened by klaucode - 1
The `schema` function claims to return an unevaluated definition object, while it returns object with label.
#480 opened by Monteth - 2
Override error messages in simpl-schema v3
#478 opened by ivan133 - 2
Cannot read property '$set' of undefined
#474 opened by knoxgon - 6
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schemaDefinitionOptions not public anymore
#467 opened by mariusrak - 2
autovalue and manual clean in case of bulkWrite
#472 opened by pociej - 2
oneOf(Object, Number) somehow blocks all updates
#428 opened by Twisterking - 2
How to create an schema that validates every property of an object is of a certain schema?
#460 opened by caeus - 2
Required property not allowed for SimpleSchema 3.0.0 on first parameter of SimpleSchema.oneOf
#466 opened by klaucode - 1
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Asynchronous http request with ApolloJS/GraphQL
#452 opened by danyhiol - 1
Array validation is inconsistent for schema.validate and schema.newContext().validate with ignore:KEY_NOT_IN_SCHEMA
#448 opened by perbergland - 4
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array of array
#436 opened by rogeriojlle - 2
Update NPM dependencies
#423 opened by aldeed - 2
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$[] not allowed by simpl-schema
#429 opened by jonisapp - 2
Schema validation incorrectly fails for modifiers when using $currentDate
#424 opened by brent-hoover - 2
TypeError: Users is not a constructor
#426 opened by NishantGlitch - 1
autoValue: this.field() not working inside a subSchema
#422 opened by loichu - 2
Custom validation for custom class
#421 opened by mariusrak - 6
Pick could reorder
#418 opened by mariusrak - 1