
Sync Ghostfolio with IBKR

Primary LanguagePython


Sync your (Ghostfolio)[https://ghostfol.io/en/home/overview] with IBKR ( more to come? )


This is based on agusalex/ghostfolio-sync which is a great work. This fork is more for personal developement, as it runs primarly against a self-hosted instance.



Follow this guide to configure your Flex Queries in your Interactive Brokers account:


When you configure your Flex Query give it, cash statement permissions as well as transaction permisions.

Important: If you dont want ghostfolio-sync to sync everything everytime and make it quicker, just set a shorter window for the query. Keep in mind that what was not synced by ghostfolio-sync in that period of time will be lost (ie when the window moves and content was not uploaded to ghostfolio). This can be avoided at the cost of a longer window of time and longer sync


  1. Create an account using anonymous option save your KEY.
  2. Get the GHOST_TOKEN for self-hosted curl -X POST \ http://ghostfolio:3333/api/v1/auth/anonymous \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d '{"accessToken":"REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_KEY"}'
  3. Take note of your GHOST_TOKEN

Run in Docker

Default runs as with the following config (non root):

  • ARG USER=wheel
  • ARG GROUP=default
  • ARG UID=1001
  • ARG GID=1001

Runs with virtual env

If you need debug files (set WRITE_DEBUG_FILES=TRUE), you can map the default folder /usr/app/src/out


More Options

Envs Description
CRON (optional) To run on a Cron Schedule
FILE_WRITE_LOCATION (optional) "" (default): write debug files to this folder
GHOST_CURRENCY (optional) Ghostfolio Account Currency, only applied if account doesn't exist
GHOST_HOST (optional) Ghostfolio Host, only add if using custom ghostfolio
GHOST_TOKEN The token for your ghostfolio account
HEALTHCHECK_URL After a successful sync, this url will be accessed
LOG_LEVEL (optional) INFO (default): standard python (logging levels)[https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logging-levels] are supported
OPERATION (optional) SYNCIBKR (default) or DELETEALL (will erase all operations of all configured accounts)
WRITE_DEBUG_FILES (optional) FALSE (default): write debug files

Important / Need to know

For identification of synced objects, it will write a field comment on each trade. This looks like <sync-trade-transactionID>foobar</sync-trade-transactionID>. Where foobar is the transactionId from Interactive Brokers.

symbol lookup

The symbol lookup is done on ghostfolio. Watch out for messages like: fuzzy match to first symbol for this means for the Instrument where multiple results.

asset classes

Currently, only stocks are supported. in the log you'll be able to find messages like DEBUG:SyncIBKR: ignore AssetClass.OPTION: SYMBOL ID or DEBUG:SyncIBKR: ignore AssetClass.CASH: USD.HKD. They are summarised in a info statement. For example: INFO:SyncIBKR: Skipped: {<AssetClass.OPTION: 'OPT'>: 14, <AssetClass.CASH: 'CASH'>: 20}. May be ghostfolio will support options one day :)


  • Feel free to submit any issue or PR's you think necessary
  • pip install ruff pretty fast linter to lint
  • pip install pre-commit pre-commit to run the linter before commit
  • run-it ruff check *.py