
1inch.io API Python wrapper with web3 integration

Primary LanguagePython

I find this kind of resource quite limited, so I decided to release parts of the code I used to do limit order with 1inch.io
I hope this is useful to you. It support all networks. Currently in configs.py there are:

Optimism '10': 'https://mainnet.optimism.io', Binance Smart Chain '56': 'https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org', Polygon Matic '137': 'https://polygon-rpc.com',

For the first swap, you will need to approve spending first. Do that using https://app.1inch.io 's UI
WARNING: NEVER use your main account for automatic trade

More info and tutorials TBA

If you find this useful send coffee beans here!

This piece of code comes with no warranty. What you do with it is ultimately your own decision. (auto-swap limit-swap wink wink)