
Sample socket transport demonstrates how a transport can be developed by using the Transport SDK and leverage the features provided.

Primary LanguageJavaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


======= PURPOSE

This document describes how to build, deploy and test the sample socket transport. Sample socket transport demonstrates how a transport can be developed by using the Transport SDK and leverage the features provided. More: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E28280_01/dev.1111/e15866/developing.htm#OSBDV1292

========== CONTENTS:

sample-transport directory has the following structure. SAMPLE-TRANSPORT-DIR | |---- build [ Directory which contains all the compiled files, like classes] |---- eclipse [ Contains eclipse plugin files ] |---- help/ [ Help files for eclipse plugin ] |---- plugin.xml [ Descriptor file for eclipse plugin ] |---- l10n [ Contains Internationalization files ] |---- SocketTransportMessages.xml [ Configuration file for logging internationalized messages ] |---- SocketTransportTextMessages.xml [ Configuration file for text messages which are displayed on console ] |---- META-INF [ Contains EAR descriptor files ] |----- application.xml [ JEE application descriptor file ] |----- weblogic-application.xml [ Weblogic application descriptor file ] |---- offline [ Configuration for OSB offline-mode (e.g. harvester) ] |---- transport-socket.xml [ Descriptor file for offline plugin ] |---- resources [ Contains configuration files used as java resources ] |---- help/ [ Help files ] |---- SocketConfig.xml [ Socket transport provider configuration which is used by Transport SDK ] |---- schemas [ Contains the schemas defining this transport ] |---- SocketTransport.xsd [ Describes Socket Endpoint Request/Response Metadat/headers ] |---- src [ Source tree of the sample transport ] |---- test [ Test files directory ] |---- src [ Source tree for test server and client ] |---- webapp [ Help webapp ] |---- help/ [ Help files ] |---- WEB-INF/ [ webapp descriptors ] |---- build.properties [ Properties file for ant ] |---- build.xml [ ant file which has different targets for compile, build and deploy ]

======================== SETTING THE ENVIRONMENT

Set the domain environment as given below. Go to $DOMAIN_DIR/bin and run setDomainEnv.cmd or setDomainEnv.sh

Go to $SAMPLES-DIRECTORY before doing the below operations.

======================= BUILDING THE TRANSPORT

To build the socket transport, run the following command:

ant build

This command compiles all the sources including the test client and creates
the corresponding transport JAR and EAR libraries.

========================= INSTALLING THE TRANSPORT

In order to install the sample socket transport, run the following command:

ant stage

This command will stage the following in the OSB installation:
 - the JAR and EAR libraries
 - the Eclipse plugin
 - the plugin for OSB offline mode

======================================= DEPLOYING THE TRANSPORT ON ALSB SERVER

To deploy on a server, set the following variables in build.properties wls.hostname= wls.port= wls.username= wls.password= wls.server.name= All the above properties are of a ALSB admin server. To deploy on the above specified server, run the below command,

ant deploy

=============================== TESTING THE DEPLOYED TRANSPORT

To test the sample transport, create a socket proxy-service and a business-service and make the proxy-service's route throgh business-service by using service bus console.

Run the following command to start the external service, which is a server socket
listens on a specified port and receives/sends the messages.

java -classpath .\test\build\test-client.jar -Dfile-encoding=utf-8 -Drequest-encoding=utf-8 com.bea.alsb.transports.sample.test.TestServer <port> <message-file-location>

port is the port number at which ServerSocket is listening, which is the port number in the business service.
message-file-location (optional argument) is the location of the message-file
which will be sent as a response to the business service.

file-encoding is a system property which is the encoding of the file. request-encoding is the encoding of the request that is sent by the socket business service. Both the above have default value as utf-8

Run the following command to start initiating service, which is a client to
a configured socket proxy-service.
It sends message and receives the response from ALSB.

java -classpath .\test\build\test-client.jar -Dfile-encoding=utf-8 -Dresponse-encoding=utf-8 com.bea.alsb.transports.sample.test.TestClient <host-name> <port> <thread-ct> <message-file-location>

host-name is host name of the ALSB server,
port is the port number at which the proxy service is listening,
thread-ct is number of clients to send a message to ALSB and
message-file-location (optional argument)is the location of the message-file
which will be sent as a response to the business service.
file-encoding is an optional argument which is the encoding of the file.
response-encoding is the encoding of the response received from the
socket proxy service.
Both the above have default value as utf-8.