
Primary LanguageC++


Get Started

  1. Test Environment

    • Instance type: m1.large
    • Image distribute: ubuntu-15.10
    • Image ID: emi-67a061da
    • Architecture: x86_64
  2. Installation

    Download and unzip the file.

  3. Run Solid File System (in cs270/build directory)

    # create build directory
    cd cs270
    mkdir build
    # creat the mount point in build directory
    cd build
    mkdir <mount_pt>
    # make file system
    cmake ..
    make -j
    # run file system
    sudo ./solidFS -m <mount_pt>

    An example command to run the file system is under cs270/build

    mkdir temp
    cmake ..
    make -j
    sudo ./solidFS -m temp

    For other options, checkout usage message of the file system

    ./solidFS -h
    solid file system
      sudo ./solidFS [OPTION...]
      -b, --block arg    number of blocks (default: 2097253)
      -i, --inode arg    number of inode (default: 100)
      -s, --storage arg  storage in GB
      -e, --entry arg    number of files
      -f, --file arg     storage file (default: /dev/vdb)
      -m, --mount arg    mount point
      -h, --help         Print usage
  4. Run Tests (optional - all in cs270/build directory)

    open another terminal

    cd cs270/build
    • test_syscall. The corresponding files are in cs270/test/fuse/

      # syscall Tests
      ./syscallTest `realpath <mount_pt>`
    • Simple read and write test. The corresponding file is cs270/test/fuse/file_operation_test.cpp

      cd build
      ./FuseTests `realpath <mount_pt>`
  5. re-init the fs on device

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vdb bs=4096 count=1 conv=notrunc


  1. A private stream processing repo named nova
  2. libfuse
  3. pjdfstest
  4. some excellent code on leetcode