
Chocolat : Responsive jQuery Lightbox Plugin :horse:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##Chocolat Build Status

Chocolat is a responsive jQuery lightbox plugin
What you are looking for is in the /dist/ folder.


It expects jQuery to work (either 1.x or 2.x): https://github.com/jquery/jquery


recent browsers such as : IE 7+, Safari, Firefox & Chrome.


<div id="example1" data-chocolat-title="Set title">
    <a class="chocolat-image" href="img/a.jpg" title="image caption a">
        A <!-- you can display a thumbnail here : <img src="thumb/a.jpg" /> -->
    <a class="chocolat-image" href="img/b.jpg" title="image caption b">
        B <!-- you can display a thumbnail here : <img src="thumb/b.jpg" /> -->



container : default:window
Sets whether viewer will open and fill the whole page (default) , or whether it should open in a particular block of the page. For example #container2 in this case the height and width of the block must be defined.
values can be : window, selector, jQuery element, or a node

imageSelector : default : '.chocolat-image'
Selector to find images in the parent element (on which chocolat is called)

linkImages : default : true
Sets whether we can switch from one image to another, within the same call, without closing the viewer (true) , or if the images remain independent (false). Warning: if LinkImage: is false then displayAsALink must be worth false too. Otherwise we can only view the first image in the set.

setTitle : default : ''
Title of the set. Can also be defined from the html, with the data-chocolat-title attribute

className : default : ''
Add a custom css class to the parent of the lightbox

imageSize : default : 'default'
Can be 'default', 'contain', 'native', or 'cover'.
default : if the image is bigger than the window it's resized to fit, else if the image is smaller than the window it's not streched, only displayed at native dimensions
'contain' : if the image is bigger than the window it's resized to fit, else if the image is smaller than the window it's streched, to fit the window
'cover' : the image cover the window, no white space are displayed.
more informations & exemple about contain/cover : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/CSS/Scaling_background_images
'native' : the image is never streched nor shrinked, always displayed at native dimensions

fullScreen : default : false
HTML5 new feature. Hides the browser.

loop : default : false
Last image + 1 leads to first image & first image - 1 leads to last image.

duration : default : 300
Animations duration

firstImage : default : 0
Index of the image that you want to start the series.

lastImage : default : 0
Index of the image that you want to end the series.

separator2 : default : '/'
Text between the number of the image and the number of images in the set, does not matter.

images : default : []
Array of object representing the set images [{src:'img1.jpg'}, {src:'img1.jpg'}, ...]
You can also specify image title [{src:'img1.jpg', title: 'title'}, ..]

setIndex : default : 0
Set index. yes.



Call chocolat like this :

    var instance = $('#example1').Chocolat().data('chocolat');

Then API calls can be made like this (open for exemple):


open : param (optionnal) : i
Open the lightbox on the image whose index is i.
By default on the first image (i=0).
Returns a $.Deferred object.

close :
Close the lightbox.
Returns a $.Deferred object.

prev :
Change image backward.
Returns a $.Deferred object.

next :
Change image forward.
Returns a $.Deferred object.

goto : param : i
(Alias of open) go to image whose index is i on an already opened ligthbox.
Returns a $.Deferred object.

place :
Center the image in its parent.
Returns a $.Deferred object.

set : params : property, value
Classic setter

get : param : property
Classic getter

getElem : param : name
Returns a jQuery object composing the lightbox.
Ex: for the next arrow : instance.api().getElem('right')

current :
Returns the index of the current image.

CSS Classes

.chocolat-open :
Set to the container when the lightbox is open.

.chocolat-mobile :
Set to the container when its width is inferior to 480px (or mobileBreakpoint)

.chocolat-in-container :
Set to the container when chocolat is open in a block (container != window)

.chocolat-cover :
Set to the container when chocolat imageSize is set to 'cover'

.chocolat-zoomable :
Set to the container when chocolat is zoomable

.chocolat-zoomed :
Set to the container when chocolat is zoomed


Feel free to contribute by forking then making a pull request.
Edit files in the /src/ folder, run gulp to copy/minify into the /dist/ folder and to watch for changes.

##Testing To test, run gulp test, if you don't have all packages installed then run npm install
Tests are written in test/src/test.chocolat.coffee