
code for ICDM 2017 paper

Primary LanguagePython

Download the data file

Due to storage issue, I did NOT put the data file into this repository. 
Please download from https://snap.stanford.edu/data/bigdata/amazon/amazon-meta.txt.gz
Then upzip it, put in the 'data/' folder as 'data/amazon_meta.txt'.


Some python packages need to be installed, including numpy, pandas, scipy, multiprocessing and cvxopt.

How to run

$ bash manifest.sh


├── amazon_data_util.py					some util files
├── baseline_random.py					random select k products to bundle
├── data 								
│   ├── amazon-meta.txt					Amazon product co-purchasing dataset (from SNAP, Stanford)
│   └── amazon_price.json				prices of some products on Amazon (crawled from thetracktor.com)
├── determine_f.py					determine the parameter a in f(.)
├── exp_setting.py					bundle size settings
├── kbundle.py						Our bundling algorithm (Algorithm 3)
├── manifest.sh						!!! run all the experiments
├── n01_products_raw.py					
├── n02_products_copurchase_select.py
├── n03_copurchase_prob.py
├── n04_empirical_mean_std.py
├── n05_empirical_cor.py
├── n06_smf.py
├── n07_accuracy.py
├── n08_run_kbundle.py
├── n09_approximation_ratio.py
├── pi.py						$\pi(.)$ function
├── profit.py						calculate the profit of a bundling strategy