
Example code for the new O'Reilly book, Programming Android

Primary LanguageJava

Welcome to the ProgrammingAndroidExamples wiki!

This repo contains working code for the example in O'Reilly's

_Programming Android_;  Mednieks, Dornin, Meike, Nakamura

The projects are organized by the primary chapter in which the examples appears.

The projects have all been tested in eclipse, using the emulator (with the exception of a couple that are hardware dependent; those projects have notes to that effect in their README files)

If you have a question, you might check the FAQ:


To set up a project, check it out and then:
cd $PROJ
cp tools/ide/eclipse/project .project
cp tools/ide/eclipse/classpath .classpath

Start eclipse and use File > Import > "Existing project into workspace"

Comments are welcome! Send problems and comments to programmingandroidexamples at callmeike dot net.