Просканировать папку на предмет наличия текстовых файлов, файлы разделить на слова, разработать БД для хранения следующей информации - имя файла, его метоположение на диске, слово, информация о том в каком файле это слово находится и в какой позиции (номер строки, номер колонки)
Требования к выполнению задания:
Задание должно быть реализовано с максимальным использование ООП. Суть задания не в том чтобы убедиться что кандидат знает инструмент, а в том, чтобы увидеть, как он им умеет пользоваться. Должно быть заимплеменчено WEB.API используя методы которого можно получить информацию типа:
- Список просканированных файлов (+ paging)
- Список слов внутри одного файла (+ paging)
- Список позиций конретного слова в конкретном файле (+ paging)
База данных MSSQL, должны присутствовать модульные тесты. База данных должна создаваться скриптом - это для того чтобы ее можно было легко восcоздать при проверке тестового задания, или должен быть приложен bak базы.
Scan a folder for the presence of text files, devide files into words, develop database to store the following information - name, location on the disk, word, the information in any file that word is and what position (line number, column number)
The requirements:
The job must be done with the maximum use of the OOP. The essence of the job is not to make sure that the candidate knows the tool, and to see how he knows how to use them. Must be implemented WEB.API using methods which you can get information such as:
- The list of scanned files (+ paging)
- A list of words within a single file (+ paging)
- List each words in a particular file (+ paging)
Database MSSQL, unit tests must be present. The database must be created script - this in order that it can be easily recreated on checking tests, or shall be accompanied bak base.
You need to create a simple web page which should contain a registration wizard. The registration wizard contains two steps:
#####Step 1: (all fields are required)
- Login valid email.
- Password must contain min 1 digit and min 1 letter.
- Confirm password must be the same with the field “password”.
- I agree checkbox is a required checkbox.
- Button next should validate all fields on the step and show validation errors (under the fields) or go to next step.
#####Step 2: (all fields are required)
- Country drop down list which contains list of counties.
- Province contains list of provinces for selected country. The list of provinces should be loaded by AJAX if country is changed.
- Button save should should validate all fields on the step and show validation errors (under the fields) or save the data from the wizard to the database using AJAX call.
#####Tech requirements:
- Use ASP.NET MVC + ASP.NET MVC WebAPI as platform
- Use client side MVVM framework (KnockoutJS, AngularJS, etc.)
- Use Bootstrap as design framework
- Use MS SQL (localDb) and Entity Framework + Migrations as DB and ORM
- The result should be presented as working Visual Studio solution / project. Run F5 to get working.
- Beside this, feel free to choose any other libraries, frameworks, patterns, test (fake) data, etc. For example you database with country/province can contain only 2 test countries and 23 test provinces for each country (Country 1, Province 1.1, Province 1.2, is also okay).
If you miss some information, do not ask do it in the way you think it should be done correctly.
####Login VSI: The product is a bike and the price is dependent on the price of its parts. For this exercise, not all parts of a bike are used. Time - 2 hours.
The parts used for the calculation are:
- Front Wheel
- Back Wheel
- Handle bar
- Seat
- Frame
In the UI, the price of each item is an input. With every change in price the total price (sum of the prices of each item) should be updated.
Please deliver a version at the end of each part. So finish part 1 first and deliver it. If you cannot finish part 2 or 3 I’d at least have part 1.
#####Part 1: Deliver a working version of the application.
- You can choose to make it in any technology you prefer: (Web-based – MVC5 or desktop – WinForms or WPF).
- There is no need to provide a persistence mechanism. No need for a database or a file storage.
#####Part 2: Quality improvements.
- Add code comments.
- Add Test Units.
#####Part 3: Refactoring
- Refactor the application to use ViewModels.
- Move models to another class library.
- Fix namespacing for production.
#####Part 4: Paradigm shift
- Implement the MVVM paradigm (client-side MVVM for web-based and MVVM for WPF).
####Altium: Find duplicate files by content. Implement the most fastest way, even for large files.
####Actum: This test should take approximately 60 minutes. If you need a bit longer, it is ok but please let us know how much time you spent on it.
- Employee – properties are name, surname, birthdate
- Training – properties are name, description
Use case:
- Each employee can attend more than one training.
- Each employee can attend each training more than once.
- Create classes for Employee and Training.
- Write methods for one of them to insert and update record in the database. You have the stored procedures in the database that takes care about the database logic. You do not have to write the SQL scripts, just call the stored procedures.
- Design the connection between the employee and the trainings he or she attended.
- Write a method which returns a list of last visits of each training of a specific employee.