
Snap for LTEENB

Primary LanguageShell


Build with snapcraft with the trx_lms7002m-linux-2017-02-10.tar.gz and lteenb-linux-2017-02-10.tar.gz tarballs in the parent directory (if you have different names, edit snap/snapcraft.yaml). liblimesuite-dev will be installed with APT if missing.


To use on an Ubuntu 16.04 or later system (14.04 should work too but untested), install stable updates and make sure snaps are working:

snap version
sudo snap install hello-world

Then install with:

sudo snap install --devmode lteenb*.snap

(or sudo snap install --devmode lteenb to install from a store)

Configure radio backend and license with:

sudo lteenb-lool.set-rfbackend limeSDR
sudo lteenb-lool.set-license ~/lteenb.key

Tune the system to the right values; this should probably go to /etc/rc.local or similar:

sudo lteenb-lool.systune

Finally, restart the daemon:

sudo systemctl restart snap.lteenb-lool.lteenb


The configuration template is generated under /var/snap/lteenb-lool/current/enb.cfg during first run and overrides as little as possible from the shipped configs which are under /snap/lteenb-lool/current/config/.

The default log file is /var/snap/lteenb-lool/current/logs/enb0.log.

Use journalctl to check the lteenb output:

sudo journalctl -u snap.lteenb-lool.lteenb

To run lteenb manually, stop the service and use snap run:

sudo systemctl stop snap.lteenb-lool.lteenb
sudo snap run lteenb-lool.lteenb