Frontend code challenge

Cryptocurrency Single Page App

For the Bondify code challenge we ask you to create a crypto overview and search application. If you’re not familiar with crypto currencies have a look at

You are going to build the following pages:

  1. An overview (main) page with the list/table of 25 coins sorted by the highest market cap
  • We want you to make the page with exactly the same column headers
  • This page also contains a search box (search icon can be found in ui-examples folder) that enables users to search based on coin name. Search results will replace the default data
  • We would like the average price of each coin pair to USD
  • You're not required to show the coin icons
  • Search only based on coin name is sufficient


step 1:

  1. A page showing the coin pairs per exhange in the detail card view
  • This page should contains cards of coin pairs and the info like the example
  • This page data is based on one of the 25 coins that we are showing in step 1
  • Showing icons is not required
  • If it's not clear, this might help:


step 2:

How to get started

You will be using React, Typescript and Apollo Client. We have set up the Apollo Client for you. The API that you will be using is from The GraphQL explorer can be accessed via this link

This example query will shows you all the data that you will be needing:

You can check Blocktap documentation for more help:

We will judge your code based on the following criteria:

  • Knowledge of routing and navigation
  • ES6 and React Hooks
  • Typescript Typing
  • Modularity and reusability of your code (think about components)
  • Mobile first responsive implementation of the pages
  • Search
  • Your explanation if you diverted from the assignment, because you had a nicer way of doing things or if something was impossible to achieve
  • Bonus (optional): Theme toggle for dark mode

Time to spend

We expect you to spend 4-6 hours to complete this challenge. However you can do the assignment whenever you want within a 24 hour window after you cloned the repository. When you're finished send us the url of the cloned repository with your code.