
Reverse-engineered docs for the Loongson 3A4000 Crypto ASE

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Reverse-engineered docs for the Loongson 3A4000 Crypto ASE


The Loongson 3A4000 (link in Chinese) has built-in crypto acceleration support, but unfortunately, no public documentation has been released despite repeated community requests.

This repository serves to consolidate the community effort of 3A4000 crypto acceleration reverse-engineering.

As the instructions are present in the MIPS SDK too, it is assumed that the crypto instructions actually belong to the upstream MSA specification, although undocumented so far.

Source Materials

The Loongson-modified binutils package has no source available at time of this writing. The Codescape SDK has full sources available, though.


Mnemonic Instruction Description
aes128.enc AES-128 Encrypt One Block
aes128.dec AES-128 Decrypt One Block
aes192.enc AES-192 Encrypt One Block
aes192.dec AES-192 Decrypt One Block
aes256.enc AES-256 Encrypt One Block
aes256.dec AES-256 Decrypt One Block
md5.4r MD5 Hash, 4 Rounds
md5.ms MD5 Message Schedule
sha1.hash.4r SHA-1 Hash, 4 Rounds
sha1.ms.1 SHA-1 Message Schedule, First Half
sha1.ms.2 SHA-1 Message Schedule, Second Half
sha256.hash.2r SHA-256 Hash, 2 Rounds
sha256.ms.1 SHA-256 Message Schedule, First Half
sha256.ms.2 SHA-256 Message Schedule, Second Half
sha512.hash.r.1 SHA-512 Hash, 1 Round, First Half
sha512.hash.r.2 SHA-512 Hash, 1 Round, Second Half
sha512.ms.1 SHA-512 Message Schedule, First Half
sha512.ms.2 SHA-512 Message Schedule, Second Half

There are some other crypto-related instructions present in the Codescape SDK binutils. Behavior of these instructions are not fully known yet.

Instruction Descriptions


OPCODE             WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 00000 00000 xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: aes128.enc wd, ws

Purpose: AES-128 Encrypt One Block


plaintext <- WR[wd]
key <- WR[ws]
WR[wd] <- AES-128-ECB-Encrypt(plaintext, key)


OPCODE             WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 00000 00001 xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: aes128.dec wd, ws

Purpose: AES-128 Decrypt One Block


ciphertext <- WR[wd]
key <- WR[ws]
WR[wd] <- AES-128-ECB-Decrypt(ciphertext, key)


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 00010 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: aes192.enc wd, ws, wt

Purpose: AES-192 Encrypt One Block


plaintext <- WR[wd]
key <- WR[ws] || WR[wt]_63..0
WR[wd] <- AES-192-ECB-Encrypt(plaintext, key)


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 00011 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: aes192.dec wd, ws, wt

Purpose: AES-192 Decrypt One Block


ciphertext <- WR[wd]
key <- WR[ws] || WR[wt]_63..0
WR[wd] <- AES-192-ECB-Decrypt(ciphertext, key)


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 00100 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: aes256.enc wd, ws, wt

Purpose: AES-256 Encrypt One Block


plaintext <- WR[wd]
key <- WR[ws] || WR[wt]
WR[wd] <- AES-256-ECB-Encrypt(plaintext, key)


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 00101 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: aes256.dec wd, ws, wt

Purpose: AES-256 Decrypt One Block


ciphertext <- WR[wd]
key <- WR[ws] || WR[wt]
WR[wd] <- AES-256-ECB-Decrypt(ciphertext, key)


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 10111 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: md5.4r wd, ws, wt

Purpose: MD5 Hash, 4 Rounds


a <- WR[wt]_31..0
b <- WR[wt]_63..32
c <- WR[wt]_95..64
d <- WR[wt]_127..96

w0 <- WR[ws]_31..0
w1 <- WR[ws]_63..32
w2 <- WR[ws]_95..64
w3 <- WR[ws]_127..96

sel <- WR[wd]_5..0
if sel_1..0 != 0b00 then
    // behavior when sel is not multiple of 4 is not known yet

round <- sel >> 4

if round == 0 then
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(FF, a, b, c, d, w0, 7)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(FF, a, b, c, d, w1, 12)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(FF, a, b, c, d, w2, 17)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(FF, a, b, c, d, w3, 22)
elseif round == 1 then
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(GG, a, b, c, d, w0, 5)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(GG, a, b, c, d, w1, 9)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(GG, a, b, c, d, w2, 14)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(GG, a, b, c, d, w3, 20)
elseif round == 2 then
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(HH, a, b, c, d, w0, 4)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(HH, a, b, c, d, w1, 11)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(HH, a, b, c, d, w2, 16)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(HH, a, b, c, d, w3, 23)
elseif round == 3 then
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(II, a, b, c, d, w0, 6)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(II, a, b, c, d, w1, 10)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(II, a, b, c, d, w2, 15)
    a, b, c, d <- MD5_Round(II, a, b, c, d, w3, 21)

WR[wd]_31..0   <- a
WR[wd]_63..32  <- b
WR[wd]_95..64  <- c
WR[wd]_127..96 <- d


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 11111 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: md5.ms wd, ws, wt

Purpose: MD5 Message Schedule


sel <- WR[wd]_5..0

if sel == 0 or sel == 2 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_31..0   + 0xd76aa478
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_63..32  + 0xe8c7b756
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_95..64  + 0x242070db
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_127..96 + 0xc1bdceee
elseif sel == 1 or sel == 3 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_31..0
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_63..32
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_95..64
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_127..96
elseif sel == 4 or sel == 6 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_31..0   + 0xf57c0faf
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_63..32  + 0x4787c62a
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_95..64  + 0xa8304613
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_127..96 + 0xfd469501
elseif sel == 5 or sel == 7 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_31..0
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_63..32
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_95..64
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_127..96
elseif sel == 8 or sel == 10 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_31..0   + 0x698098d8
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_63..32  + 0x8b44f7af
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_95..64  + 0xffff5bb1
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_127..96 + 0x895cd7be
elseif sel == 9 or sel == 11 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_31..0
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_63..32
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_95..64
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_127..96
elseif sel == 12 or sel == 14 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_31..0   + 0x6b901122
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_63..32  + 0xfd987193
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_95..64  + 0xa679438e
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_127..96 + 0x49b40821
elseif sel == 13 or sel == 15 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_31..0
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_63..32
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_95..64
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_127..96
elseif sel == 18 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_95..64  + 0xf61e2562
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wd]_63..32  + 0xc040b340
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_127..96 + 0x265e5a51
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wd]_127..96 + 0xe9b6c7aa
elseif sel == 19 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_95..64
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_127..96
elseif sel == 22 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_63..32  + 0xd62f105d
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_95..64  + 0x02441453
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_127..96 + 0xd8a1e681
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wd]_127..96 + 0xe7d3fbc8
elseif sel == 23 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_63..32
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_95..64
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_127..96
elseif sel == 26 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_63..32 + 0x21e1cde6
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_95..64 + 0xc33707d6
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wd]_95..64 + 0xf4d50d87
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_31..0  + 0x455a14ed
elseif sel == 27 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_63..32
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_95..64
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_31..0
elseif sel == 30 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_63..32 + 0xa9e3e905
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wd]_63..32 + 0xfcefa3f8
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wd]_95..64 + 0x676f02d9
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_31..0  + 0x8d2a4c8a
elseif sel == 31 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_63..32
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_31..0
elseif sel == 34 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_63..32  + 0xfffa3942
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_31..0   + 0x8771f681
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_127..96 + 0x6d9d6122
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_95..64  + 0xfde5380c
elseif sel == 35 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_63..32
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_31..0
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_95..64
elseif sel == 38 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_127..96 + 0xa4beea44
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wd]_63..32  + 0x4bdecfa9
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wd]_95..64  + 0xf6bb4b60
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_95..64  + 0xbebfbc70
elseif sel == 39 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_95..64
elseif sel == 42 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_63..32  + 0x289b7ec6
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wd]_63..32  + 0xeaa127fa
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wd]_95..64  + 0xd4ef3085
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wd]_127..96 + 0x04881d05
elseif sel == 43 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_63..32
elseif sel == 46 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_63..32  + 0xd9d4d039
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_31..0   + 0xe6db99e5
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_127..96 + 0x1fa27cf8
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wd]_127..96 + 0xc4ac5665
elseif sel == 47 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_63..32
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_31..0
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_127..96
elseif sel == 50 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_95..64  + 0xf4292244
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wd]_63..32  + 0x432aff97
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_95..64  + 0xab9423a7
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wd]_127..96 + 0xfc93a039
elseif sel == 51 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_95..64
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_95..64
elseif sel == 54 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_31..0   + 0x655b59c3
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wd]_63..32  + 0x8f0ccc92
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_95..64  + 0xffeff47d
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wd]_127..96 + 0x85845dd1
elseif sel == 55 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wt]_31..0
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_95..64
elseif sel == 58 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_31..0   + 0x6fa87e4f
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_127..96 + 0xfe2ce6e0
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wd]_95..64  + 0xa3014314
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_63..32  + 0x4e0811a1
elseif sel == 59 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[ws]_31..0
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_63..32
elseif sel == 62 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_63..32  + 0xf7537e82
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_127..96 + 0xbd3af235
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wd]_95..64  + 0x2ad7d2bb
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_63..32  + 0xeb86d391
elseif sel == 63 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_63..32
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_63..32
elseif sel == 16 or sel == 17 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_95..64
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_63..32
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_31..0
elseif sel == 20 or sel == 21 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_63..32
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_63..32
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_31..0
elseif sel == 24 or sel == 25 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_95..64
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_31..0
elseif sel == 28 or sel == 29 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_95..64
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_31..0
elseif sel == 32 or sel == 33 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_63..32
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_63..32
elseif sel == 36 or sel == 37 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_31..0
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_63..32
elseif sel == 40 or sel == 41 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_31..0
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_95..64
elseif sel == 44 or sel == 45 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_31..0
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_127..96
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_95..64
elseif sel == 48 or sel == 49 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_127..96
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_31..0
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wt]_63..32
elseif sel == 52 or sel == 53 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[ws]_127..96
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_31..0
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_63..32
elseif sel == 56 or sel == 57 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_31..0
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wt]_95..64
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_31..0
elseif sel == 60 or sel == 61 then
    WR[wd]_31..0   <- sel + 2
    WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wt]_31..0
    WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[ws]_95..64
    WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[ws]_31..0


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 10000 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha1.hash.4r wd, ws, wt

Purpose: SHA-1 Hash, 4 Rounds


Performs 4 rounds of SHA-1. Round function and constant is built-in, selectable by input operand.


w0 <- WR[wt]_31..0
w1 <- WR[wt]_63..32
w2 <- WR[wt]_95..64
w3 <- WR[wt]_127..96

a <- WR[ws]_31..0
b <- WR[ws]_63..32
c <- WR[ws]_95..64
d <- WR[ws]_127..96
e <- WR[wd]_31..0

sel <- WR[wd]_65..64
dont_rotate_e <- WR[wd]_66

if not dont_rotate_e then
    e <- e rol 30

if sel == 0 then
    f <- lambda b, c, d: (b and c) or ((not b) and d)
    k <- 0x5A827999
elseif sel == 1 then
    f <- lambda b, c, d: b xor c xor d
    k <- 0x6ED9EBA1
elseif sel == 2 then
    f <- lambda b, c, d: (b and c) or (b and d) or (c and d)
    k <- 0x8F1BBCDC
elseif sel == 3 then
    f <- lambda b, c, d: b xor c xor d
    k <- 0xCA62C1D6

temp <- (a rol 5) + f(b, c, d) + e + k + w0
e <- d
d <- c
c <- b rol 30
b <- a
a <- temp

temp <- (a rol 5) + f(b, c, d) + e + k + w1
e <- d
d <- c
c <- b rol 30
b <- a
a <- temp

temp <- (a rol 5) + f(b, c, d) + e + k + w2
e <- d
d <- c
c <- b rol 30
b <- a
a <- temp

temp <- (a rol 5) + f(b, c, d) + e + k + w3
e <- d
d <- c
c <- b rol 30
b <- a
a <- temp

WR[wd]_0..31   <- a
WR[wd]_63..32  <- b
WR[wd]_95..64  <- c
WR[wd]_127..96 <- d


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 11000 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha1.ms.1 wd, ws, wt

Purpose: SHA-1 Message Schedule, First Half


WR[wd]_31..0   <- WR[wd]_31..0   xor WR[wd]_95..64  xor WR[wt]_31..0
WR[wd]_63..32  <- WR[wd]_63..32  xor WR[wd]_127..96 xor WR[wt]_63..32
WR[wd]_95..64  <- WR[wd]_95..64  xor WR[ws]_31..0   xor WR[wt]_95..64
WR[wd]_127..96 <- WR[wd]_127..96 xor WR[ws]_63..32  xor WR[wt]_127..96


OPCODE             WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 00000 11001 xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha1.ms.2 wd, ws

Purpose: SHA-1 Message Schedule, Second Half


WR[wd]_31..0   <- (WR[wd]_31..0 rol 1)   xor (WR[ws]_63..32 rol 1)
WR[wd]_63..32  <- (WR[wd]_63..32 rol 1)  xor (WR[ws]_95..64 rol 1)
WR[wd]_95..64  <- (WR[wd]_95..64 rol 1)  xor (WR[ws]_127..96 rol 1)
WR[wd]_127..96 <- (WR[wd]_127..96 rol 1) xor (WR[wd]_31..0 rol 1)


  • The opcode of this instruction on Loongson 3A4000 is swapped with aes.sr.dec in upstream MIPS code.


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 10010 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha256.hash.2r wd, ws, wt

Purpose: SHA-256 Hash, 2 Rounds


Performs 2 rounds of SHA-256. K constants are not built in, these have to be manually added prior to invocation.


a <- WR[ws]_31..0
b <- WR[ws]_63..32
e <- WR[ws]_95..64
f <- WR[ws]_127..96

c <- WR[wd]_31..0
d <- WR[wd]_63..32
g <- WR[wd]_95..64
h <- WR[wd]_127..96

w0 <- WR[wt]_31..0
w1 <- WR[wt]_63..32

S0 <- lambda a: (a ror 2) xor (a ror 13) xor (a ror 22)
S1 <- lambda e: (e ror 6) xor (e ror 11) xor (e ror 25)
ch <- lambda e, f, g: (e and f) xor ((not e) and g)
maj <- lambda a, b, c: (a and b) xor (a and c) xor (b and c)

temp1 <- h + S1(e) + ch(e, f, g) + w0
temp2 <- S0(a) + maj(a, b, c)

h <- g
g <- f
f <- e
e <- d + temp1
d <- c
c <- b
b <- a
a <- temp1 + temp2

temp1 <- h + S1(e) + ch(e, f, g) + w1
temp2 <- S0(a) + maj(a, b, c)

h <- g
g <- f
f <- e
e <- d + temp1
d <- c
c <- b
b <- a
a <- temp1 + temp2

WR[wd]_0..31   <- a
WR[wd]_63..32  <- b
WR[wd]_95..64  <- e
WR[wd]_127..96 <- f


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 11010 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha256.ms.1 wd, ws, wt

Purpose: SHA-256 Message Schedule, First Half


a <- WR[ws]_31..0
b <- WR[ws]_63..32
e <- WR[ws]_95..64
f <- WR[ws]_127..96

e <- WR[wt]_31..0

s0 <- lambda x: (x ror 7) xor (x ror 18) xor (x >> 3)

WR[wd]_31..0   <- a + s0(b)
WR[wd]_63..32  <- b + s0(c)
WR[wd]_95..64  <- c + s0(d)
WR[wd]_127..96 <- d + s0(e)


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 11011 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha256.ms.2 wd, ws, wt

Purpose: SHA-256 Message Schedule, Second Half


x1 <- WR[ws]_63..32
x2 <- WR[ws]_95..64
x3 <- WR[ws]_127..96

y0 <- WR[wt]_31..0
y2 <- WR[wt]_95..64
y3 <- WR[wt]_127..96

z0 <- WR[wd]_31..0
z1 <- WR[wd]_63..32
z2 <- WR[wd]_95..64
z3 <- WR[wd]_127..96

s1 <- lambda x: (x ror 17) xor (x ror 19) xor (x >> 10)

z0 <- z0 + x1 + s1(y2)
z1 <- z1 + x2 + s1(y3)
z2 <- z2 + x3 + s1(z0)
z3 <- z3 + y0 + s1(z1)

WR[wd]_31..0   <- z0
WR[wd]_63..32  <- z1
WR[wd]_95..64  <- z2
WR[wd]_127..96 <- z3


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 10100 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha512.hash.1 wd, ws, wt

Purpose: SHA-512 Hash, 1 Round, First Half


S0 <- lambda a: (a ror 28) xor (a ror 34) xor (a ror 39)
S1 <- lambda e: (e ror 14) xor (e ror 18) xor (e ror 41)
ch <- lambda e, f, g: (e and f) xor ((not e) and g)
maj <- lambda a, b, c: (a and b) xor (a and c) xor (b and c)

WR[wd]_63..0   <- S0(WR[wd]_63..0)   + maj(WR[wd]_63..0,   WR[ws]_63..0,   WR[wt]_63..0)
WR[wd]_127..64 <- S1(WR[wd]_127..64) +  ch(WR[wd]_127..64, WR[ws]_127..64, WR[wt]_127..64)


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 10101 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha512.hash.2 wd, ws, wt

Purpose: SHA-512 Hash, 1 Round, Second Half


WR[wd]_63..0   <- WR[wd]_63..0   + WR[wd]_127..64 + WR[ws]_127..64 + WR[wt]_63..0
WR[wd]_127..64 <- WR[wd]_127..64 + WR[ws]_63..0   + WR[ws]_127..64 + WR[wt]_63..0


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 11100 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha512.ms.1 wd, ws, wt

Purpose: SHA-512 Message Schedule, First Half


s0 <- lambda x: (x ror 1) xor (x ror 8) xor (x >> 7)
s1 <- lambda x: (x ror 19) xor (x ror 61) xor (x >> 6)

WR[wd]_63..0   <- WR[wd]_63..0   + s1(WR[wt]_63..0)   + s0(WR[wd]_127..64)
WR[wd]_127..64 <- WR[wd]_127..64 + s1(WR[wt]_127..64) + s0(WR[ws]_63..0)


OPCODE       WT    WS    WD    MINOR_OP
011110 11101 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 010111

Format: sha512.ms.2 wd, ws, wt

Purpose: SHA-512 Message Schedule, Second Half


WR[wd]_63..0   <- WR[wd]_63..0   + WR[ws]_127..64
WR[wd]_127..64 <- WR[wd]_127..64 + WR[wt]_63..0


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