
Primary LanguageTypeScript


  1. Install truffle, Angular CLI and an Ethereum client. If you don't have a test environment

    npm install -g truffle
    npm install -g @angular/cli
    npm install -g ganache-cli
  2. Download the project.

    git clone https://github.com/lonleylokle/cryptogame
  3. Run your Ethereum client. For Ganache CLI:


    Note the mnemonic 12-word phrase printed on startup, you will need it later.

  4. Install the dependencies and Compile and migrate your contracts, into the directory Blockchain using :

    npm install 
  5. Change the port in truffle-config.js `change the port in truffle-config.js 8545 in windows the port is 7545 but in linux the defaul port is 8545

  6. Navigate into the Frontend Directory

    npm install & ng serve