Java bindings for the Intercom API
The distribution is hosted on bintray. To use the client, you can add the jcenter repository to your dependencies.
### maven
Add jcenter to your repositories in pom.xml
or settings.xml
and add the project declaration to your pom.xml
### gradle
Add jcenter to your repositories
repositories {
and add the project to the dependencies
block in your build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'io.intercom:intercom-java:2.2.5'
### sbt
Add jcenter to your resolvers
in your build.sbt
resolvers += "jcenter" at ""
and add the project to your libraryDependencies
in your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "io.intercom" % "intercom-java" % "2.2.5"
Resources this API supports:
If you already have an access token you can find it here. If you want to create or learn more about access tokens then you can find more info here.
# With an OAuth or Access token:
If you are building a third party application you can get your OAuth token by setting-up-oauth for Intercom.
// Create a user
User user = new User()
.addCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute.newStringAttribute("role", "sergeant"))
.addCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute.newBooleanAttribute("browncoat", true));
User created = User.create(user);
// Find user by id
user = User.find("541a144b201ebf2ec5000001");
// Find user by email
Map<String, String> params = Maps.newHashMap();
params.put("email", "");
user = User.find(params);
// Find user by user_id
params = Maps.newHashMap();
params.put("user_id", "1");
user = User.find(params);
// Update custom_attributes for a user
user.addCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute.newStringAttribute("role", "captain"));
// Iterate over all users (up to 10k records, to read all use Scroll API)
UserCollection users = User.list();
while(users.hasNext()) {
// Retrieve users via Scroll API
ScrollableUserCollection usersScroll = User.scroll();
List<User> users = usersScroll.getPage();
usersScroll = usersScroll.scroll();
// Delete a user
User user = User.find("541a144b201ebf2ec5000001");
Contacts were added in version 1.1 of the client.
// Create a Contact
Contact contact = new Contact()
.addCustomAttribute(newStringAttribute("role", "fence"));
Contact created = Contact.create(contact);
// Find a single contact by server supplied user id or id
contact = Contact.findByID("541a144b201ebf2ec5000002");
contact = Contact.findByUserID("e1a7d875-d83a-46f7-86f4-73be98a98584");
// Update a contact
contact.setName("Stitch Hessian");
Contact updated = Contact.update(contact);
// Read a contact list by email
ContactCollection contacts = Contact.listByEmail("");
while(contacts.hasNext()) {
// Iterate over all contacts (up to 10k records, to read all use Scroll API)
ContactCollection allContacts = Contact.list();
while(allContacts.hasNext()) {
// Retrieve contacts via Scroll API
ScrollableContactCollection contactsScroll = Contact.scroll();
List<Contact> contacts = contactsScroll.getPage();
contactsScroll = contactsScroll.scroll();
// Remove a contact
// Convert a contact
User converted = Contact.convert(contact, user);
// Create a company
Company company = new Company();
company.setName("Blue Sun");
company.setPlan(new Company.Plan("premium"));
company.addCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute.newIntegerAttribute("foddstuff-items", 246));
company.addCustomAttribute(CustomAttribute.newStringAttribute("bestseller", "fruity oaty bar"));
// Find a company by company_id
map = Maps.newHashMap();
map.put("company_id", "1");
Company company = Company.find(map);
// Find a company by name
map = Maps.newHashMap();
map.put("name", "Blue Sun");
Company company = Company.find(map);
// Find a company by id
Company company = Company.find("541a144b201ebf2ec5000001");
// Update a company
company.setName("Blue Sun Corporation");
// Iterate over all companies
CompanyCollection companies = Company.list();
while(companies.hasNext()) {
// Get a list of users in a company
map = Maps.newHashMap();
map.put("company_id", "6");
UserCollection users = Company.listUsers(map);
// Add a user to one or more companies
User user = User.find("541a144b201ebf2ec5000001");
// Iterate over all admins
AdminCollection admins = Admin.list();
while(admins.hasNext()) {
Event event = new Event().setEventName("bought-hat")
.putMetadata("invitee_email", "")
.putMetadata("found_date", System.currentTimeMillis())
.putMetadata("new_signup", true);
// create a tag
Tag tag = new Tag().setName("alliance");
tag = Tag.create(tag);
// update a tag
tag = Tag.update(tag);
// tag and untag users
User one = new User().setEmail("");
User two = new User().setEmail("").untag();
Tag.tag(tag, one, two);
// iterate over all tags
final TagCollection tags = Tag.list();
while (tags.hasNext()) {
// tag and untag companies
Company c1 = new Company().setCompanyID("1");
Company c2 = new Company().setCompanyID("2").untag();
Tag.tag(tag, c1, c2);
// delete a tag
// Find a segment
Segment segment = Segment.find("1");
// Update a segment
segment.setName("new name");
// Iterate over all segments
SegmentCollection segments = Segment.list();
while(segments.hasNext()) {
// create a user note
User user = new User().setId("5310d8e8598c9a0b24000005");
Author author = new Author().setId("1");
Note note = new Note()
.setBody("The note");
// Find a note by id
note = Note.find("1");
// Iterate over all notes for a user via their user_id
Map<String, String> params = Maps.newHashMap();
params.put("user_id", "1");
NoteCollection notes = Note.list(params);
while(notes.hasNext()) {
// Iterate over all notes for a user via their email address
params = Maps.newHashMap();
params.put("email", "");
notes = Note.list(params);
while(notes.hasNext()) {
// send a message to a user
User user = new User().setId("5310d8e8598c9a0b24000005");
Admin admin = new Admin().setId("1");
AdminMessage adminMessage = new AdminMessage()
.setSubject("This Land")
.setBody("Har har har! Mine is an evil laugh!")
// send a message from a user
UserMessage userMessage = new UserMessage()
.setBody("Hey! Is there, is there a reward?")
// send a message from a contact
ContactMessage contactMessage = new ContactMessage()
.setBody("Hey! Is there, is there a reward?")
// find admin conversations
Map<String, String> params = Maps.newHashMap();
params.put("type", "admin");
params.put("admin_id", "1");
ConversationCollection adminConversations = Conversation.list(params);
while (adminConversations.hasNext()) {
Conversation conversation =;
// find user conversations
params = Maps.newHashMap();
params.put("type", "user");
params.put("user_id", "1");
ConversationCollection userConversations = Conversation.list(params);
while (userConversations.hasNext()) {
Conversation conversation =;
// find a conversation by id
final Conversation conversation = Conversation.find("66");
ConversationMessage conversationMessage = conversation.getConversationMessage();
ConversationPartCollection parts = conversation.getConversationPartCollection();
List<ConversationPart> partList = parts.getPage();
for (ConversationPart part : partList) {
String partType = part.getPartType();
Author author = part.getAuthor();
String body = part.getBody();
ConversationPart part = conversation.getMostRecentConversationPart();
Admin assignee = conversation.getAssignee();
User user = conversation.getUser();
// Find all open conversations assigned to an admin and render as plaintext
params = Maps.newHashMap();
params.put("type", "admin");
params.put("admin_id", "7");
params.put("display_as", "plaintext");
ConversationCollection openForAdmin = Conversation.list(params);
// admin reply
Admin admin = new Admin().setId("1");
AdminReply adminReply = new AdminReply(admin);
adminReply.setBody("These apples are healthsome");
adminReply.setAttachmentUrls(new String[]{""}); // optional - list of attachments
Conversation.reply("66", adminReply);
// admin close
Admin admin = new Admin().setId("1");
AdminReply adminReply = new AdminReply(admin);
Conversation.reply("66", adminReply);
// user reply
User user1 = new User().setId("5310d8e8598c9a0b24000005");
UserReply userReply = new UserReply(user1);
userReply.setBody("Mighty fine shindig");
userReply.setAttachmentUrls(new String[]{""}); // optional - list of attachments
Conversation.reply("66", userReply);
// create a subscription
Subscription subscription = new Subscription();
subscription.setUrl(new URI(""));
// find a subscription
subscription = Subscription.find("nsub_60ca7690-4020-11e4-b789-4961958e51bd");
// list subscriptions
SubscriptionCollection list = Subscription.list();
while(list.hasNext()) {
Subscription sub =;
String appID = sub.getAppID();
String serviceType = sub.getServiceType();
List<Subscription.Topic> topics = sub.getTopics();
String hubSecret = sub.getHubSecret();
// notification sent feed
NotificationCollection sent = Subscription.sentFeed(subscription.getId());
while(sent.hasNext()) {
Notification notification =;
String id = notification.getId();
String topic = notification.getTopic();
NotificationData data = notification.getData();
String type = data.getType();
// raw map representation of the payload
Map item = data.getItem();
// notification error feed
NotificationErrorCollection errors = Subscription.errorFeed(subscription.getId());
while (errors.hasNext()) {
NotificationError notificationError =;
RequestResponseCapture capture = notificationError.getCapture();
URI requestURI = capture.getRequestURI();
String requestMethod = capture.getRequestMethod();
Map<String, String> requestHeaders = capture.getRequestHeaders();
String requestEntity = capture.getRequestEntity();
int statusCode = capture.getResponseStatusCode();
Map<String, String> responseHeaders = capture.getResponseHeaders();
String responseEntity = capture.getResponseEntity();
// consume a webhook notification
InputStream jsonStream = ...;
final Notification notification = Notification.readJSON(jsonStream);
String jsonString = ...;
final Notification notification = Notification.readJSON(jsonString);
// app totals
Counts.Totals totals = Counts.appTotals();
System.out.println("companies: " + totals.getCompany().getValue());
System.out.println("segments: :" + totals.getSegment().getValue());
System.out.println("tags: :" + totals.getTag().getValue());
System.out.println("users: :" + totals.getUser().getValue());
// conversation totals
Counts.Conversation conversationTotals = Counts.conversationTotals();
System.out.println("assigned: " + conversationTotals.getAssigned());
System.out.println("closed: :" + conversationTotals.getClosed());
System.out.println("open: :" + conversationTotals.getOpen());
System.out.println("unassigned: :" + conversationTotals.getUnassigned());
// admin open/close counts
Counts.Conversation adminCounts = Counts.conversationAdmins();
List<Admin> admins = adminCounts.getAdmins();
for (Admin admin : admins) {
System.out.println(admin.getName() + ": " + admin.getClosed() + ", " + admin.getOpen());
// tag user counts
System.out.println("tag user counts: ");
List<Counts.CountItem> tags = Counts.userTags();
for (Counts.CountItem tag : tags) {
System.out.println(tag.getName()+": " +tag.getValue());
// segment user counts
List<Counts.CountItem> segments = Counts.userSegments();
for (Counts.CountItem segment : segments) {
System.out.println(segment.getName()+": " +segment.getValue());
// company user counts
List<Counts.CountItem> companyUsers = Counts.companyUsers();
for (Counts.CountItem company : companyUsers) {
System.out.println(company.getName()+": " +company.getValue());
// company tag counts
List<Counts.CountItem> companyTags = Counts.companyTags();
for (Counts.CountItem tag : companyTags) {
System.out.println(tag.getName()+": " +tag.getValue());
### HTTP requests
To signal local versus remote methods, calls that result in HTTP requests are performed
using static methods, for example User.find()
. The objects returned by static methods
are built from server responses. The exception to the static idiom is where the next()
and nextPage()
methods on Collections are used to abstract over pagination.
### Pagination
Some API classes have static list()
methods that correspond to paginated API responses.
These return a Collection object (eg UserCollection
) which can be iterated in two
The collection's
methods - these are useful when you want to fetch one or just a few pages directly. -
Java's inbuilt iterator methods
- these are useful when you want to fetch data without manually handling pagination. -
User and Contact listing only works up to 10k records. To retrieve all records use the Scroll API via
You do not need to deal with the HTTP response from an API call directly.
If there is an unsuccessful response then an IntercomException or a subclass
of IntercomException will be thrown. The exception will have Error objects
that can be examined via getErrorCollection
and getFirstError
for more detail.
The API throws the following runtime exceptions -
- AuthorizationException: for a 401 or 403 response
- InvalidException: for a 422 response or a local validation failure
- RateLimitException: for a 429 rate limit exceeded response
- ClientException: for a general 4xx response
- ServerException: for a 500 or 503 response
- IntercomException: general exception
The client can be configured to accept any http stack that implements
by implementing the HttpConnectorSupplier
For example, to use OkHttp as a connection supplier, create a supplier class -
public class OkHttpSupplier implements HttpConnectorSupplier {
private final OkUrlFactory urlFactory;
public OkHttpSupplier(OkUrlFactory urlFactory) {
this.urlFactory = urlFactory;
public HttpURLConnection connect(URI uri) throws IOException {
and hand a supplier to the Intercom object -
final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();
final OkUrlFactory factory = new OkUrlFactory(client);
final OkHttpSupplier supplier = new OkHttpSupplier(factory);
The default connection and request timeouts can be set in milliseconds using the
and Intercom.setRequestTimeout
The base URI to target can be changed for testing purposes
URI baseURI = new URI("");