DSA Binary tree questions ----------------------------------------------------------------- - creation of binary tree - Inorder,preorder,postorder traversal using recursion - Inorder,preorder,postorder traversal using iteration method - level order traversal using queue data structure - Maximum depth| height of a binary tree - check of balanced binary tree - maximum path sum in a BT - Diameter of a BT - check if two tree are identical? - ZigZg traversal - Left view of binary tree - Right view of binary tree - Top view of binary tree - Vertical order of binary tree - check if tree is symmetric or not?? - Bottom view - rootTonodepath in binary tree - Lowest common ancestor - Child sum property - Root To Node Path - Node At a distance K - Construct Unique Binary Tree from preorder and inorder --- Bounded knapsack variations ------------------------------------------------------------------- - 0/1 knapsack problem using recursion - 0/1 knapsack using memoization - 0/1 knapsack using tabulation - subset sum problem using recursion - subset problem using tabulation - count total number of subset for a given sum - minimum subset sum difference --- Unbounded Knapsack variations ------------------------------------------------------------------- - unbounded knapsakc problem - rod cutting problem - total number of ways to make a coin - minimum coins needed to make a coin --- Longest common subsequence variations ------------------------------------------------------------------- - longest common subsequence using recursion - longest common subsequence using tabulation - print longest common subsequence - longest common substring - shortest common supersequence - minimum insertion and deletion needed to convert a string a to b - longest palindromic subsequence - minimum deletion to make a string palindrome - longest repeating subsequence --- String coding questions and interview questions -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Maximum subarray sum having a window size of k - first negative number in each window of size k - count total anagrams in a string having a complexity of n*(nlogn) - count anagrams in a string having a complexity of order n - find the maximum element from an array of each window of size k - longest subarray of a given target - longest substring with k unique characters - longest substring without repeating characters - minimum window substring,print the substring of minimum length of another given string --- Greedy interview questions --------------------------------------------------------------------- - Job sequence problem - Minimum platform needed for a train - fractional knapsack - N meetings in one room - Minimum coin change needed