This app shows the NFTs user owns and all other available NFTs on the Learn Web 3 DAO and Buildspace collection from Opensea.
💡 Works on Polygon Mainnet only.
- Fetch NFTs owned by the user.
- Fetch all available NFTs in the mentioned collection.
- Pagination (Initial limit is 20 NFTs, user can see next 20 NFTs by clicking on show more).
- Detect current Network and show a warning when not connected to the mentioned network.
- Users can share owned NFTs on Social platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, and WhatsApp.
- Can redirect to a particular NFT page on OpenSea
- Connect Metamask wallet
- Light and Dark mode
- Responsive
There are two approaches in this app, first approach is on the Main branch, the second approach is on api-approach branch
- API handlers inside Next.js client side
Dynamic fetch functions that take user addresses, collection addresses, and page keys (for pagination), present in utils/fetchApi.ts, can be used for fetching multiple NFTs collections.
A central store in pages/index.tsx, which controls fetching and state management for all components.
- Serverless API routes inside Next.js API folder
Serverless API routes for fetching NFTs (User, Collections)
Pagination supported
Here are some challanges I faced during development of this app
I wanted to implement pagination feature for both user nfts and collection nfts, but it was a little tricky since Alchemy API sends a page-key in string for a next page, and when it's the last page the page-key is undefined. So it was fun but a little time consuming to mutate the NFT Objects to support this feature
Programming a concise Dynamic function that serves both as Initial fetching function and pagination function.
Working with types in TypeScript was also a little time consuming, but in the end it gave a better structure to the codebase with less chances of bugs and unexpected results.
- Next.js with TypeScript
- Alchemy API (To fetch from OpenSea)
- Thirdweb (To Connect wallet and detect network)
- Tailwind
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
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- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
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