- 1
self transitions result in no:transition
#110 opened by UtkarshBhatthere - 0
[Useless] Invaild Issues
#112 opened by Haozzhzz - 1
event handling but keeps in current state
#111 opened by helioaymoto - 2
Why does the following test produce a data race?
#105 opened by Gtsiat - 1
- 1
Should cancelFunc be public?
#96 opened by LucasChenPandaTW - 11
Self Transitions
#19 opened by theathibm - 1
Multiple callback coverage bugs for the same event
#42 opened by chyroc - 1
Changing `Event.Dst` in before-event callback do not changing dst of transition
#103 opened by naumov-andrey - 0
Deadlock calling `Event` in after-event callback when current state == dst
#102 opened by naumov-andrey - 0
How to cancel a transition in callback?
#101 opened by wenchaoliao - 2
Callbacks for complex FSM
#99 opened by zivsha - 4
callback error
#79 opened by 172478394 - 1
Allow "No Transition"
#98 opened by Bauxite-camcom - 0
Separate module path for the v1 releases
#97 opened by sanojsubran - 0
Using enum instead strings
#95 opened by suntong - 3
FSM persistance
#40 opened by protheusfr - 2
Context in event handlers
#61 opened by ilyakaznacheev - 3
Why fsm code not update to the latest version
#91 opened by CmderQ - 2
- 2
Can FSM.Transaction() accept a parameter to cancel the asynchronous transaction?
#76 opened by suerta-git - 4
- 5
Scheduling internal transitions within callbacks
#43 opened by rkbalgi - 5
Proper way to call Events
#38 opened by ferllings - 0
Deadlock when event is fired in callback
#36 opened by yb172 - 3
Support conditional transitions
#67 opened by PWAlessi - 2
Is this abandoned?
#83 opened by frederikhors - 1
Any plan for supporting UML state machine?
#78 opened by Love-W-Z - 3
could the dst state to be set in the event handler?
#33 opened by njnuwjq - 1
Update to match javascript-state-machine v3
#23 opened by heyuanchao - 2
cant go back?
#64 opened by yangQingYu123 - 1
- 1
- 1
Testing FSM objects: reflect.DeepEqual fails when FSM attribute is set on an object
#73 opened by nvjkmr - 1
- 2
- 2
New Release ?
#71 opened by TheBeachMaster - 2
No Transition error should not be handled when there is an event with same source and destination.
#17 opened by smothiki - 7
Provides a v1 release
#39 opened by dgsb - 0
Is it one redundant code?
#41 opened by falconray0704 - 4
SCXML support
#29 opened by JalfResi - 5
Graphviz/Dot graph output of FSM
#28 opened by JalfResi - 1
- 2
- 1
Panic appearing in callback causes weird error
#49 opened by WisperDin - 0
Trivial documentation typo
#53 opened by tomparkin - 2
Suspicious work with a mutex
#34 opened by cristaloleg - 2
Available Transitions/Events
#27 opened by JalfResi - 6
- 2
Double transitions possible as "active transition" is only activated post "before_"-callbacks
#15 opened by kristoiv