
electron webpack typescript react app starter kit

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Electron app boilerplate for typescript react projects.


  • App icon for production build (installer, OS links) is build/icon.ico (electron-builder convention)
  • App icon for the active window is in static/images/app.ico (same icon, in electron-webpack static folder)
  • There is src/renderer/utils/static with a getStatic function. Use it to access static content
  • Font aliases to static folder are in place, check src/index.scss for usage
  • Check README in static/fonts for instructions on how to embed additional fonts


A bare minimum project structure to get started developing with electron-webpack.

Thanks to the power of electron-webpack this template comes packed with...

  • Use of webpack-dev-server for development
  • HMR for both renderer and main processes
  • Use of babel-preset-env that is automatically configured based on your electron version
  • Use of electron-builder to package and build a distributable electron application

Make sure to check out electron-webpack's documentation for more details.

Development Scripts

# run application in development mode
yarn dev

# compile source code and create webpack output
yarn compile

# `yarn compile` & create build with electron-builder
yarn dist

# `yarn compile` & create unpacked build with electron-builder
yarn dist:dir