A simple CLI for posting messages to a discord channel
This script was designed to be used with github actions, hence the somewhat odd decision to make everything environment variables.
First you need to create a bot account. Instructions can be found here: https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/discord.html
Set the environment variables:
DF_TOKEN - Discord OAUTH Token
DF_CHANNELS - a comma separated list of channels to post the message to
DF_MESSAGE - the message you want to send
From docker, something like:
docker run -e DF_TOKEN=YouRSeCrEtTokeN -e DF_CHANNELS="8944734637383939393727, 8474636338374746" -e DF_MESSAGE="Hello World" webuildevops/discord_forwarder:latest
- name: send a discord message
uses: docker://webuilddevops/discord_forwarder
DF_CHANNELS: "8944734637383939393727, 8474636338374746"
DF_MESSAGE: Good news, a new release was pushed: https://github.com/user/repo/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}