
Manage it in the draconic way!

This script backs up MySQL to s3 bucket and back, with a lot of features in a portable design!


This script has some benefits over others:

  • Automatic dependency installing (s3cmd, libzip2, openssl and gpg are verified)
  • Backup encryption and backup compression with openssl


This script has some limitations:

  • currently only works on debian and ubuntu systems
  • does not support incremental backups (that have to construct the final from a master backup followed by the additional slave backups)
  • does not support partitioned table backup restore

Shameless buttplug

Maybe I might remove some of these limitations in the future, if it GETS ENOUGH GITHUB STARS (is well recieved by the community as a working solution).

Some are feasable to do, like to offer support for CentOS and REHL. I just want to see if its recieved well before I add major complexity. If it is, you'll get delivered more features.


Command line arguments

You have this table to reference for command line options. You can also run -h or --help to see the same list.

  • Short - The short version of the argument
  • Long - The long version of the argument
  • Optional - If the argument is optional, it can default to an internally defined value for shorthand convenience
  • Environment - The name of the environment variable that is used to store this argument. Instead of passing arguments directly, you can export this name to make the script work without passing in arguments
  • Description - The description of the argument's funciton
Short Long Optional Environment Description
-h --help YES N/A Just displays the usage and some program information
-o --operation NO OPERATION The operation to perform, see below for a complete list of these options
-l --host NO MYSQL_HOST The MySQL host to connect to
-u --username NO MYSQL_USER The MySQL username to connect with
-p --password NO MYSQL_PASSWORD The MySQL password to connect with
-o --port YES MYSQL_PORT The port to connect to, if none specified it defaults to 3306
-d --databases YES MYSQL_DATABASES The database to backup, if none is specified, it backs up all of the databases on the MySQL server
-f --tables YES MYSQL_TABLES The tables to backup, if none is specified, it backs up all of the tables on the MySQL server
-e --s3endpoint NO S3_ENDPOINT The S3 endpoint to connect to
-b --s3bucket NO S3_BUCKET The S3 bucket to connect to
-r --s3region YES S3_REGION The S3 region to connect to, if none is specified, this is interpreted from the host specified. This is not required by all providers, but some may need to have it, so it is provided for compatibility with those providers
-x --s3username YES S3_USER The S3 username to connect with. Depending on your IAM configuration, you may have to specify the username to connect to the bucket with. This is not required by all providers, but some may need to have it, thus it is provided for compatibility with those providers.
-a --s3accesskey NO S3_ACCESSKEY The S3 access key to connect with
-k --s3secretkey NO S3_SECRETKEY The S3 secret key to connect with
-K --backupkeyfile NO BACKUP_KEY_FILE The backup key file to use for encryption (defaults to ~/s3dbmanager_backup.key)
-S --backupkeysize NO BACKUP_KEY_SIZE The backup key file size, the higher it is the more secure the encryption key is (defaults to 32)
-O --backupkeyoverwrite NO BACKUP_KEY_OVERWRITE If specified, the backup key file will be re-generated without prompting the user (potentially dangerous)
-w --retentiondays YES S3_RETENTION_DAYS When specifying the setlifecycle operation, this option can be provided to set the retention period of backups in days, otherwise it defaults to 7 days.
-c --keep YES S3_KEEP When specifying the rotate operation, this option can be provided to set the number of backups to keep in the s3 bucket, otherwise it defaults to keeping 14 backup files


This portable script contains the following mysql / s3 operation modes which are specified by -o or --operation parameters:

  • backup - backup the database to the s3 bucket
  • rotate - rotate backups in the s3 bucket
  • restore - restore the database from the s3 bucket
  • setlifecycle - set the lifecycle policy for the s3 bucket
  • daemonize - daemonize the backup part of the script in the foreground (by default), allowing the operation to run verbosely on the terminal for debugging purposes.