
Fast Calculation of Kendall's tau and the Goodman-Kruskal gamma for R

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Kendall’s tau and the related Goodman-Kruskal gamma are rank correlation coefficients, which compare pairs (x[i], x[j]) and (y[i], y[j]) for all i and j.

These rank correlation coefficients can be calculated in O(n log(n)). For large vectors, this is considerably faster than the O(n^2) algorithm of cor(x, y, method="kendall") in R’s standard implementation. Efficient algorithms are described in Knight (1966) and Christensen (2005). The approach of the latter is used here.


The easiest way to install R packages from github is to use the tools provided by the devtools package. Install devtools and load it.


Then install fastkendall directly from github.

install_github("fastkendall", "looschen")

Installation without devtools

Download the source from the “Downloads” tab. Unpack your download.

tar xjvf the-download.tar.gz

Build the package.

R CMD build the-download

A new file fastkendall-x.y.tar.gz should appear. Start R


and install the package.

install.packages("path/to/fastkendall_x.y.tar.gz", repos=NULL)


Load the library


and correlate.

fastkendall(runif(100), runif(100))

This also works with matrices.

M = matrix(rnorm(10000), 100)
N = matrix(rnorm(1000), 100)
## result is a list of huge matrices
result = fastkendall(x, y)


W. R. Knight. A Computer Method for Calculating Kendall’s Tau with Ungrouped Data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 61(314):436-439, 1966.

D. Christensen. Fast algorithms for the calculation of Kendall’s tau . Computational Statistics, 20:51-62, 2005.