
Open Cities Classic + Unique Landscapes + Lost Spire Cleaned Up scribes

arosenow opened this issue · 18 comments

The current sort order places
ULM OpenCitiesClassic-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp
OCC + Lost Spires + Cleaned Up Scribe.esp
The latter undoes some fixes to the East gate area and causes the water to be missing

Can you please provide links to where you downloaded those plugins?

The cells that are impacted are just outside cheydinhal east gate which is an error that can be observed if you played with Open Cities Classic + Unique landscapes without a patch

I'm not seeing any conflict in xEdit between ULM OpenCitiesClassic-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp and OCC + Lost Spires + Cleaned Up Scribe.esp.


Odd, maybe one has an unclean edits because depending on the order I load them (cleaned up scribe second) it reverts to the pre patch behaviour for open cities + unique landscapes

Would you mind posting your load order?

ULM OpenCitiesClassic-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp does need C.Regions and C.Water tags.


Water height change won't show up as a conflict.

You can test by adding C.Regions and C.Water tags to ULM OpenCitiesClassic-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp.
And then place ULM OpenCitiesClassic-UniqueLandscapes patch.esp before OCC + Lost Spires + Cleaned Up Scribe.esp.

Change carried forward when tag is added, that was probably the issue.
UL and OCC both have C.Water tags, so OCC reverts the change, which means we need to tag the patch.


Better screenshot


I added those tags and reran loot, if i don't change the order of those 2 plugins this is what i see. [image: image.png]

Did you remake the bashed patch?

So like this?


[image: image.png]

I can't view those images.