
Official repo of Ocean Academy

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


What is Ocean101:

  1. Ocean Academy is a community initiative providing a simple and practical introduction to Ocean Protocol starting from zero. The Academy currently has 1 module: Ocean101, a web3/Ocean introduction for data scientists.

  2. This repository is for the main Ocean Academy website, hosted at https://oceanacademy.io/ , where you can explore our interactive modules.

  3. Why taking this tutorial? Get a competitive advantage by understanding the opportunities that can be generated on top of ocean protocol and the private data economy.


Whether you're an experienced DApp developer or a curious learner just getting started with decentralized web concepts, there are plenty of ways for you to pitch in.

We open sourced the repo so for the academy contributors its easier to report issue and propose content.this is where you can read more about reporting a bug by creating a issue. We welcome and will incentivize this as well as submission of content proposals.

Most of our work and communication uses GitHub, a collaborative tool for code-based projects. However, you don't need coding skills to contribute to the OceanAcademy community!

(For developers) Running Ocean Academy Locally

Ocean Academy can run locally on Linux. This short instruction manual is beginner-friendly. To run Ocean Academy:

1. Open terminal.

2. Download Ocean Academy.

> git clone https://github.com/learn-ocean/ocean-academy.git

3. Navigate to your Ocean Academy folder in the terminal.

> cd ocean-academy

Now you're ready to run the site.

You can choose between npm and yarn for compiling and running the development server.

4a. Running with Yarn

i. Install packages.

Ensure you're in the base directory ocean-academy.

> yarn install

ii. Compile the code.

Navigate to the front-end directory and build the code.

> cd src/frontend
> yarn build

iii. Start the project

> yarn start

4b. Running with NPM

i. Install packages.

Ensure you're in the base directory ocean-academy.

> npm install

ii. Compile the code & Start the project

Navigate to the front-end directory and start the code.

> cd src/frontend
> npm start