
This is a small responsive web application developed in React.


The app was developed with:

  • React Hooks to manipulate functional components.
  • Context API to manage the state globally.
  • Axios to request data from Hacker News Search API.
  • HTML and CSS only, without CSS frameworks, for building the UI components


  • The All and My Faves filters persist on the local storage.
  • Clicking on the ❤️ button will storage this favorited post in local.
  • The favorited posts persist on the local storage.
  • The web app works as a responsive web application.
  • Clicking on the post opens the URL in a new tab.
  • Hovering on the row, apply opacity to the entire row and its children (texts, icons, like button, etc).
  • Pagination list ten posts per page.


If you want to see the demo of this proyect deployed, you can visit it here


To install and run this project just type and execute:

$ npm install

This command will install all modules that are listed on the package.json file and their dependencies. Then type and execute:

$ npm run dev

This will start the project. Check it out at your localhost.