A custom api for getting stats and keeping track of statistics of players on the server mc.Hypixel.net

Primary LanguageJavaScript


HyAPI is a better version of the Hypixel API.
This API was made for getting data from the Hypixel API easier and faster.

👉 Wanna help?

Hi! Reformatting is a lot of work so I decided to allow others to help me. If you hate having free time or just wanna help, head over to the Formatting Guide to help me out!

💡 List of Features

This API has several features that make it better than the Hypixel API 👇


HyAPI is faster than the Hypixel API because we cache data and return a smaller amount of data. This allows for responses up to 20 times faster!

📗 Easier

HyAPI is easier to use than the Hypixel API because we process the data for you.
Examples of this are things like:

  • Player Rank
  • Network Level
  • No success in the response allows you to use the response data without formatting
  • Ratios
    • Win Lose Ratio
    • Final Kill Death Ratio
    • Kill Death Ratio
  • Averages
    • Average Kills per Game
    • Average Deaths per Game
    • Average XP per Game
  • Formatting The API automatically removes formatting from things like Pet Name Colour and stores it in an extra variable for ease of access.

🗑 No Unnecessary Things

The Hypixel API gives a lot of unnecessary data that the average request doesn't need. It just clutters response data.

  • Removed all the levelingRewards
  • Removed the 20 different ways of killing and dying
  • Removed overdetailed Quests data

🛒 Specific Requests

The HyAPI returns just the data you want by using different paths for specific requests.
This allows requests to be made more specific and to deliver data faster!

🌐 API Reference

The base URL for all requests is:

All current paths

🔒 Authentication

The API requires authentication in the form of a key in the request URL.
To check out the API without authentication, use key beta


📖 Examples

  GET /player

Requires either uuid or name

Parameter Type Description
uuid string The uudi of the requested player
name string The username of the requested player

Using name won't prevent you from making further requests, unlike the Hypixel API.

🎛 Options

Player allows for multiple options. These are disabled by default because it can double or tripple the response time. This is because it requires more requests from the Hypixel API.

Option Description
guild Adds the guild object to the response
friends Adds the friend count to the response
Guild Object
"guild": {
        "name": "Bedwars",
        "exp": 69637363,
        "level": 30,
        "description": "Bedwars Go Brrrrr",
        "tag": {
            "text": "BEDWAR",
            "colour": "DARK_GREEN",
            "hex": "#00AA00"
        "member": {
            "rank": "Guild Master",
            "tag": "GM",
            "quests": 1665,
            "joinedAt": 1593624025152,
            "expHistory": {
                "2021-07-06": 0,
                "2021-07-05": 24309,
                "2021-07-04": 7021,
                "2021-07-03": 44410,
                "2021-07-02": 39752,
                "2021-07-01": 0,
                "2021-06-30": 8162


Why isn't path.color working?

I used British English throughout the entire API.
This means words as color will be colour and soccer will be football.

American British
color colour
soccer football

ℹ Project Information

Server: NodeJS with ExpressJS
Host: DigitalOcean

💻 Developer