
Sense grouping survey

Primary LanguagePython

Sense grouping survey

This is code for running a survey that discovers how different people group word contexts into senses.

If you are going to use it in your own work, please change text and email in ./templates/start.html, and email in ./templates/group.html. Also please site our (submitted) paper :)

Also note that this survey does not work in mobile browsers due to drag-n-drop issues (should be possible to fix). Desktop IE is supported.

There is an alternative design with jars instead of baskets in the new-variant branch.


Check out user instructions in ./templates/start.html.

You can add ?source=some-value argument to experiment link, this will be tracked in the source field.

You can download results for respondents who completed all tasks at /export URL, and results for all respondents at /export?all=. Partisipants will be in _participants.csv, and there will be a csv file for each participant.


Install (short version):

pip install -r requirements.txt

In more detail, assuming Ubuntu 20.04:

sudo apt install python3-venv python3-dev git clone git@github.com:lopuhin/sense-grouping-survey.git cd sense-grouping-survey python3 -m venv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install pip -U pip install -r requirements.txt

Data is stored in an SQLite database in ./db.sqlite3.

Run migrations and load initial data:

./manage.py migrate
./manage.py loaddata survey/fixtures/initial_data.yaml

Next you can load dummy contexts for testing:

./manage.py loaddata survey/fixtures/contexts.yaml

or load real contexts from a more convenient format (see example-contexts.csv):

./manage.py load_contexts "example-contexts.csv"
# or
./manage.py load_contexts_with_fillers "example-contexts-with-fillers.csv"

Create superuser:

./manage.py createsuperuser

Start development server:

./manage.py runserver


Fist, collect static:

./manage.py collectstatic

Then there are many options for production deployment, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/howto/deployment/

One easy but not optimal (it's better to put nginx in front) way is to use just gunicorn and supervisord:

sudo apt install supervisor

Then create sgs.supervisor.conf file along this lines (again, this is far from ideal in many cases, just an example):

environment=SECRET_KEY="generate some secret key, dont share it!"
command=/root/sense-grouping-survey/venv/bin/gunicorn sgs.wsgi -b -w 4 --timeout 60 --access-logfile=/root/sense-grouping-survey/access.log --access-logformat '%%(h)s %%(l)s %%(u)s %%(t)s "%%(r)s" %%(s)s %%(b)s "%%(f)s" "%%(a)s" %%(f)s'

and then do:

supervisorctl start sgs

and then set up proxy via nginx.