
CS330 2023 Spring Project 4 Skeleton code

Primary LanguageKotlin

Plant Health Monitor

Plant Health Monitor is an Android application that helps indoor plant owners monitor the health of their plants. The application uses the smartphone's camera and ambient light sensor to continuously monitor the plants and the light conditions. It sends notifications to the user when the plants need attention or when the light conditions are not optimal.


  • Continuous monitoring of plant health using the smartphone's camera
  • Continuous monitoring of light conditions using the smartphone's ambient light sensor
  • Notifications when the plants need attention or when the light conditions are not optimal
  • Energy-efficient design with low-resolution images and sparing use of sensor data


Clone this repository and import into Android Studio

git clone https://github.com/lopun/cs330-project4-skeleton.git

Open the project in Android Studio and run it on an Android device or emulator.


After installing the application, place your smartphone in a way that its camera can capture your plants. The application will start monitoring the plants and the light conditions. You will receive notifications when your plants need attention or when the light conditions are not optimal.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
