MachIne LEarning Lab
Currently, this library contains only a wrapper to LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) computed by the Mallet package.
Dead simple analysis with two topics:
(require '[clojure.pprint :as pp])
(require '[ milelab.instances :as mi])
(require '[ milelab.topics :as mt])
(def ptm
(let [
num-topics 2
doc-names [ 1 2 3 4 ]
[ [ "Jane" "lives" "in" "Warsaw" ]
[ "Warsaw" "is" "a" "beautiful" "city" ]
[ "Sister" "of" "Jane" "lives" "in" "LA" ]
[ "LA" "is" "far" "away" "from" "Warsaw"] ]
instance-list (mi/create-instance-list doc-names doc-data)
(mt/estimate-topics instance-list num-topics)))
(pp/pprint (mt/get-topic ptm 0))
(pp/pprint (mt/get-topic ptm 1))
Note that get-topic
returns java class LinkedHashMap
mapping word to
its probability in a given topic. This Java class guarantees that iteration
order through words with decreasing probability. You can convert this
to Clojure immutable hash map, however, this looses the
iteration order guarantee.
(pp/pprint (into (hash-map) (mt/get-topic ptm 0)))
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.