is a collectd-python
plugin for pushing statistics from
the ps
utility to collectd.
Requires collectd-python
package. On Centos 7,
$ yum install collectd-python
While this is somewhat environment specific, based on the configuration
in 10-top.conf
, the module files should be located inside /usr/lib/collectd
$ cp /usr/lib/collectd/
The configuration file (10-top.conf) should be either placed in a path that is included within collectd.conf, for e.g. if it there is a line in collectd.conf such as -
Include "/etc/collectd/managed_config/*.conf"
then 10-top.conf should be placed in the managed_config folder.
Use puppet to create module files or manually create one,
$ nano 10-top.conf
LoadPlugin python
<Plugin python>
ModulePath "/usr/lib/collectd.d"
Import "cuda_collectd"