
Deploying Pathfinder with Docker.

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Dockerfile for running Pathfinder, the mapping tool for EVE Online.


  • Edit config/default, replace localhost with your server IP
  • Edit docker-compose.yml, feel free to change MYSQL_ROOT_PATHFINDER
  • Configure all files in config/pathfinder per standard pathfinder installation
  • Optional: Uncomment and change any values in config/pathfinder.ini for overwriting values in the default pathfinder.ini file
  • Update your host nginx configuration (or apache) to ProxyPass your port (e.g 8000)


  • Unzip the eve_universe.sql file. (cd config), (unzip eve_universe.sql.zip)
  • Start Pathfinder container (./launcher start)
  • Go to domain.com/map and run through setup
  • Enter the database container (docker exec -it {name} /bin/bash)
  • Import the SQL export (mysql -u root -p eve_universe < /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/dump.sql)

Feel free to contribute, there are many improvements that still need to be made.