
Test project for the "TypeScript-LINQ" project. Using the qunit test framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

TypeScript-LINQ test project with qunit.

This is the test project for the "TypeScript-LINQ" module.

The test suite is based on the 'qunit' test framwork.


The references to the "TypeScript-LINQ" library and the "TypeScript-Base" library must be resolved.

The easiest way to do this is to clone the "TypeScript-Base", "TypeScript-LINQ" and this solution and to store them in the same directory.


You can run the test suite after a successful build of this and all dependant solutions. Select the file "TestSuite.html" in the root directory of this solution as your start page and hit the "F5" key. Make sure, that you start with one of the latest chrome or firefox browsers. There is currently no microsoft browser which supports the latest JavaScript standard.


This software is licensed under the "Microsoft Public License".

See: MS-PL

© lord.saumagen@gmail.com, 2016