
The purpose of this idempotent playbook is to create a fully operational Wordpress stack on your laptop with Vagrant.

Primary LanguageShell

#Ansible playbook for local Wordpress Environment

The purpose of this idempotent playbook is to create a fully operational Wordpress stack on your laptop with Vagrant.
OS is Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS.

###Playbook Tasks

  • Install Apache
  • Install MySQL and create needed database
  • Install PHP 5.x (fastcgi module)
  • All fix on php.ini and Apache
  • Install Composer
  • Install Wordpress


  • Vagrant
  • Ansible

###Tools used

ansible --version
ansible 1.9.4
  configured module search path = None
vagrant version
Installed Version: 1.7.4
Latest Version: 1.7.4

You're running an up-to-date version of Vagrant!

###To use this playbook

You can define some variables in vars/vars.yml

  #Define your timezone
  timezone: "Europe/Rome"
  #Specify domain for your project
  domain: example.com
  #Specify Wordpress version based on github repository
  wp_version: 3.7.11
  #Specify variables for DB
  wp_db_name: wordpress-test
  wp_db_user: wordpress-test
  wp_db_passwd: password$1
  db_hostname: localhost

Then simple run:

vagrant up