
A tool to solve the problem of multiple ecmascript error possibilities. It will normalize in single error structure.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Error Normalizer

A tool to solve the problem of multiple ecmascript error possibilities. It will normalize in single error structure.

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The Problem

A throwable structure is something that can be thrown by the throw keyword, such as an application error. Unlike other languages, in JavaScript, everything is throwable.

Thrownable example

In addition to the issue of throwable structures, there are other error structures in ecmascript, in most cases, these others are related to the servers to which the application will connect. These defects can have different structures, here is a document where you can read some of the more common http problems.

The Solution

A classe that's know how to convert all errors into a single structure, a normalized structure.

The Solution Implementation

The error converter is a structure that will centralize all solutions for all possibilities of errors in your software, and it can normalize then:

// normalization for simple error
const errorConverter = new ErrorConverter([
const normalizedError = errorConverter.create(new Error('Some thrown error'));

// normalization for http error
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = () => {
  if (xhr.readyState === 4 && Math.floor(xhr.status / 100) !== 2) {
    const errorInSameFormat = errorConverter.create(xhr);

ErrorConverter will be every a singleton and all new instance will return the same instance. You can provide this class into your angular aplication, as a service, you must use a factory function for that.

The adapter

But for the error converter know how to normalize, you must say to it using an adapter:

You will need to create adapters representing each of the possibilities of errors that may occur within your software, like this one:

 * Implement the ICustomErrorAdapter interface.
export class CommonErrorAdapter implements ICustomErrorAdapter<Error> {

   * Include a single name to your adapter
  name = 'thrown-error';

   * This method must check if the value should be normalized byt this class.
   * Return `true` for yes and `false` for no.
   * @param thrown
  typeCheck(thrown: any): thrown is Error {
    if (thrown instanceof Error || thrown && thrown.rejection instanceof Error) {
      return true;

    return false;

   * Here is how the XMLHttpRequest, the NaN, the thrown Error or anything else will be
   * converted into the normalized structure
   * @param error
  normalize(error: Error & { rejection: Error }): IErrorNormalized {
    let stack = '';
    if (error.message && error.stack) {
      stack = `${error.message}\n\n${error.stack}`;

    if (!stack && error.rejection && error.rejection.stack) {
      const message = error.message || error.rejection.message;
      stack = `The error was caught in an unhandled promise:\n${message}\n\n${error.rejection.stack}`;

    return {
      name: 'don\'t matter, this property will be override with the name of this class',
      type: 'error',
      messages: ['Some unexpected error happen inside the application'],
      techinicalMessages: [stack],
      //  this property will be override with the error
      originalInformation: null

For an XMLHttpRequest error, you will need to create the following signature:

export class HttpErrorAdapter implements ICustomErrorAdapter<XMLHttpRequest> 

The normalized interface

 * This is a proposal for an normalized error
export interface IErrorNormalized {

   * Here is the adaptar name
  readonly name: string;

   * The type will identify what should be done with the error. If it is a bussiness
   * error, I recommend extending this interface to a specific interface for business
   * errors, where a business error typing attribute must be included, so that the
   * software knows how to handle that non-conventional situation, something like this:
   * interface IBusinessErrorNormalized<OriginalObject> {
   *    // an enum goes nice here
   *    businessType?: 'session-timeout' | 'pending-admin-approval' | 'document-identification-is-mandatory';
   * }
   * In each case the Front-End system should do somenthing, like redirect the login, show a
   * password input to collect the admin password or a modal with an input to collect the user
   * document. If the property does not exists, the business error could work exactly as the error
   * type, but should not be considered a software defect and should not have techinical messages.
  type: 'error' | 'warning' | 'business';

   * Here is the error message for the system user.
   * we recommend that each line break be an item in the array (this will make it
   * easier to wrap the paragraphs tag in an html structure).
  messages: string[];

   * Any thing that could help the developer to understand what happen, like the
   * response and code of and http request, a stack trace, some specific information
   * include as a log about some logical error.
   * How this information will be displayed and whether it will be displayed does not
   * matter, the important thing is that it is available.
  techinicalMessages: string[];

   * Original object responsible for the error
  readonly originalInformation: any;



1. Create an issue

No one feature will be implemented without it having an open issue and without which the proposed has been accepted by the team responsible for the project. After the issue is approved, the applicant, a team member or anyone else can open a pull request associated with that issue (just paste the issue link in the pull request).

2. Did you find a bug?

When logging a bug, please be sure to include the following:

  • The library version;
  • If at all possible, an isolated way to reproduce the behavior;
  • The behavior you expect to see, and the actual behavior.

You can try to update the library to the last version to see if the bug has already been fixed.

3. Do not create a duplicate issue

Search the existing issues before logging a new one.

Some search tips:

  • Don't restrict your search to only open issues. An issue with a title similar to yours may have been closed as a duplicate of one with a less-findable title.
  • Check for synonyms. For example, if your bug involves an interface, it likely also occurs with type aliases or classes.

4. Create a Pull Request

Follow the steps:

  • Create a fork from our repository by clicking here, install node, do a git clone of your forked repository and run npm install in the application folder;
  • Create a branch in your forked repository, then code the feature or fix the bug;
  • Run npm run lint, npm run test and npm run build in the repository;
  • Create a Pull Request from your repository to this one, with the issue in the body and some information you think could be usefull to the reviewer (print or a gif of it working will be appreciated);
  • The reviewer can ask some changes, don't be mad, this is the GIT Flow process;
  • You get approved and your branch with the feature / fix