
A pothole detection implementation using LIDARfor a hackathon conducted by Curl Analytics

Primary LanguagePython


A pothole detection implementation using LIDAR for a hackathon conducted by Curl Analytics

Team : Kengeri Cruisers

Abhiram Natarajan - 1RV16CS198 Sai Praveen - 1RV16CS123 Shobhit Kumar - 1RV16CS144 Keshav Bharat - 1RV16CS070

Detects potholes using LIDAR by noticing variations in the altitude and depth. Additionally provides volume of filling required for the pothole as well as the GPS coordinates of the pothole.

Preprocessing of the LIDAR pointcloud dataset here: https://www.kaggle.com/shobhit1998/curl-hack-1 CV using YOLO: https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/