
Exercises code for Crafted Code training

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Exercises code for Crafted Design training course

Katas resources


-Kata 1 simple version ->https://www.codurance.com/katalyst/simple-mars-rover harder verison -> https://www.codurance.com/katalyst/mars-rover

-Kata 2

Looking for a good kata? 🥋

Katalyst refers to katalyst.codurance.com, a website providing katas for learning, teaching and practicing test-driven-development.

Obviously you can use the templates in this repo for any TDD practice. If you want some recommendations check out these:

  • FizzBuzz – a perfect intro to classic TDD
  • Roman Numerals – another classic kata for mastering TDD fundamentals
  • Gilded Rose – designed to practice introducing tests and features to legacy code
  • Mars Rover – a great kata to practice solving a state based problem
  • Bank Kata – often cited as the kata for practicing Outside-In TDD
  • And more...