College Management System

The total set of APIs is provided below:

/home - returns the mail URLS for the above processes

POST /student/register - register a new student to the database

GET /student/get-all-students - get all students from the database

GET /courses/get-all-courses - get all courses from the database

POST /courses/add-new-course - add a new course to the database

DELETE /courses/delete-course/{courseId} - delete a course from the database

POST results/add-score-matrix/ - adds score from a course for an individual from the database

DELETE results/delete-score-matrix/ - delete s score from a course for an individual from the database

GET /home - set of links provided for th homepage


A postgres database has been used for our app. This is a hosted database on with credentials stored in .env.

Testing APIs:

A working version of the app can be found at

Local Install:

Instructions have been provided for a local install of the app

Assuming the operating system is Ubuntu:

Esure the following packages are installed to take advantage of psycopg package required for Postgres connector. $ sudo apt install build-essential $ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev

A virtual environment venv is recommended to run the program:

`$ python3 -m venv venv`
`$ source venv/bin/activate`

How to install depedencencies:

`$ pip3 install psycopg2-binary`
`$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt`

Install environment variables

$ set -a

$ source .env

$ set +a

How to run program:

$ python3